Doha Metro Red Line South Elevated & At Grade
Doha, Qatar
Best Project

老板Qatar Railways Co.
设计公司UN Studios

对于雄心勃勃的地铁系统开发项目的开放阶段,计划到2030年到2030年统一卡塔尔的所有铁路网络,总部位于马德里的FCCConstrucción在该计划的85公里长的第一阶段中建造了三行之一的南部。, and three of the first phase’s stations.

The system will link the Doha Metro, the Lusail Tram and the Long Distance network into one integrated system and let passengers easily transfer between lines and connect to rail lines in neighboring countries as well, creating the region’s first fully integrated rail system. The infrastructure development program is in response to a rapid increase in Qatar’s wealth and population.


The overall design approach of the rail project features 134 arches ranging from 28 meters to 48 m in length that were built with a prefabricated voussoir system and installed with a launching gantry system. The design also includes 58 spans, each 28 m long, that were constructed with post-tensioned, precast beams.

The three stations have their own configurations, but all share a similar concept and an architectural style that reflects the regional culture—with the line’s arches, spans and vaults of varying dimensions intended to suggest a bridge between the historical architecture of Qatar and a future of innovation and prosperity.
