重型设备制造商CNH Industrial在9月3日宣布,它计划从其农业和建筑设备品牌中衍生出其on-Road商业卡车业务部门。

The owner of the popular Case Construction Equipment and New Holland brands, CNH Industrial is a leading global manufacturer of equipment. The company reported $14 billion in revenue for the first half of 2018, a roughly 5.4% decline from the same period in 2018. Under its proposed plan to split its business units by next year, the company expects to take a one-time charge of up to $500 million. CNH Industrial stock fell 3% after the plan was announced on Sept. 3, but recovered in trading the following day.

CNH Industrial的首席执行官HubertusMühlhäuser说,有许多因素推动了分裂,包括在公路和越野排放标准方面的分歧越来越大。该公司的公路业务部门将包括其商用卡车的Iveco系列及其菲亚特动力总成技术业务。CNH工业部门的所有部门都将有所减少,该公司希望在未来五年内将其设施的全球占地面积(包括工厂)减少120万平方英尺。穆尔哈瑟(Mühlhäuser)拒绝详细说明这些封闭时间或时间的位置或时间表。

根据公司高管,spin-off reflects a growing realization that the conglomerate's broad holdings were not always blending well. As Mühlhäuser sees it, the company was finding few crossover benefits between its on-road and off-road business units. “We saw low investment synergies in automation, digitization and servitization, while only alternate propulsion struck us as the major synergistic area between on- and off-highway,” he told investors and trade press at a presentation at the New York Stock Exchange on Sept. 3.

The newly formed on-highway business has not yet been named, and a leadership team is expected to be named in the first half of 2020. The use of “alternative propulsion” or alternative fuels, was a major theme of the company’s presentation on Sept. 3. The Case CE "Project Tetra" concept wheel loader, running off of natural gas, was on display outside the NYSE during the presentation. Mühlhäuser says LNG and CNG systems will be a major focus for both the on-road and off-road businesses in the future, as the company foresees increasingly restrictive emissions regimes for gas and diesel engines in major markets.

CNH Industrial还宣布,它将对电动和燃料驱动的卡车制造商Nikola进行2.5亿美元的投资。该初创公司正在计划中型和重型应用的一系列氢燃料电池供电的车上卡车。据穆赫勒斯(Mühlhäuser)称,新开发的公路业务将继续与尼古拉(Nikola)保持这种关系。他补充说,分拆后,公路业务的替代燃料的新开发项目也可能会进入越野品牌。


对于公司业务的建筑设备方面,前景更加清醒。CNH Industrial宣布了广泛的计划,以大大增加其在建筑业的收入和销售,但在显着减少了其提供的模型数量并减少其经销商网络的规模之前。

Carl Gustaff Göransson, president of CNH Industrial’s construction unit, says that it will be discontinuing 44 out of the 172 models of machines that the company’s construction brands offer, and will be reducing the number of dealers in North America and Europe by 25% over the next five years. This would be offset by a planned 10% growth of dealers in the rest of the world.

Mühlhäuser tells ENR that despite the severe reduction in equipment model offerings, CNH Industrial’s companies will not be exiting any product categories and will continue to support existing machines. "We will eliminate the variance and not so much the product lines. There are some smaller product lines, but I will not mention those here," he says. "It's going to have a positive impact [on overall equipment sales]. Some people think if you prune your product lines you have to lose sales, but it's quite the contrary."

"We see the construction industry further consolidating in the coming years," Göransson says. As CNH Industrial completes the split of its on-road and off-road businesses, there are also opportunities for greater overlap in the construction and agriculture units, he notes. The company currently has 40% overlap in its dealer network between agriculture and construction, and roughly 15% to 20% in common parts between the two in manufacturing. This overlap between the company's construction and agricultural equipment will likely increase, as well as the development of common systems for telematics and digital services.

所有这些都是为了推动新的增长浪潮作为跳板。戈兰森说,到2024年,CNH Industrial的建筑部门计划将其年度净销售额从目前的30亿美元增加到46亿美元。说。

尽管可能遇到障碍,但CNH Industrial设定了几个雄心勃勃的销售目标。该公司已经将贸易战和关税作为驱动因素,是2019年上半年的同比收入下降的驱动因素,而建筑市场现在在美国和欧洲达到顶峰。其他市场的增长。Göransson指出:“我们的大部分业务是在北美,市场现在达到顶峰。”随着美国和欧洲的冷静,戈兰森表示,该公司将寻求在印度和中国的增长,以抵消传统市场的收入下降。
