The state of Texas has a seemingly unquenchable thirst for water, and Kansas City, Mo.-based general contractor Garney Construction seemingly has endless resources to supply it.

Garney中央管道运营总监David Burkhart说,尽管在得克萨斯州,俄克拉荷马州和路易斯安那州的整个遍布俄克拉荷马州和路易斯安那州,但由于其人口稳定的增长而主要关注得克萨斯州。该公司100%雇员拥有1,500名员工,同样正在增长。从2015年到2018年,其区域收入几乎翻了一番,从1.644亿美元到3.066亿美元。

Operating in four Texas offices—Houston, San Antonio, Midland and Leonard, a city near Dallas—the 58-year-old enterprise provides services ranging from pipe, plant and pump stations to tanks, sitework and heavy civil for both public entities, including federal, state and municipal agencies, and private companies, including industrial enterprises, says Burkhart.

“我们是独一无二的,我们带来全方位的爵士vices to clients,” says Mark Kelly, Garney’s director of business development. Further, says Burkhart, the firm has resources to self-perform nearly all work, with the exception of tunneling, paving and electrical controls.

“Many water contractors self-perform on smaller projects,” says Kelly. “We self-perform on projects ranging in value from $500,000 to $500 million because it gives us greater control over quality, cost and schedule.”

“Other firms practice CMAR, but none with the proficiency of Garney.”

– Cesar Baptista, Assistant Deputy for Engineering and Construction, North Texas Municipal Water District

例如,该公司同时为德克萨斯州麦金尼市的231.5亿美元泵站工作,并在范宁县(Fannin County)为北德克萨斯州Wylie县(NTMWD)的一项持续的7.17亿美元的管道和植物项目工作,该项目和植物项目应为completion in 2022. Among other components, the Fannin projects, dubbed Bois d’Arc Lake, includes a 280-million-gallon-per-day (mgd) greenfield water treatment plant, two 70 mgd pump stations, a water storage tank and 65 miles of 90-in. and 84-in. water lines.

The firm’s Texas offices share resources depending on the needs of a given project. “If our Leonard office lands a significantly sized project involving large-diameter pipe, it may call upon management and craftsmen from our other Texas offices to assist in completing the work,” says Burkhart. “We’re very flexible that way. Depending on the project, resources from other regions also may contribute if needed.”


随着越来越多的州和市政当局认识到替代交付方法的价值,Garney在此类方法方面磨练了其专业知识,包括San Antonio Water System,包括San Antonio Water System,McKinney,麦金尼市,总部位于狄金森市的墨西哥湾沿岸水管理局和NTMWD。NTMWD的工程和建设助理副手Cesar Baptista说:“其他公司练习CMAR,但没有熟练的Garney。”


“If we’re implementing a complex and difficult project, one of the first lines of thought is working with Garney,” says Baptista.

这两人于2007年首次联手,当时NTMWD聘请Garney在德克萨斯州塔瓦科尼湖(Lake Tawakoni)根据设计竞标合同在德克萨斯州塔瓦科尼湖建造了1740万美元的管道。五年后,两人在NTMWD的第一个CMAR项目,2亿美元的Texoma Outfall off to Wylie水处理厂管道上破土动工。Baptista说,利用Garney在工厂和管道方面的专业知识的Bois d'Arc Lake项目随后在得克萨斯州罗瑟市进行了10280万美元的泵站和管道项目。巴蒂斯塔说。

“Our project management teams and field services teams have developed strong working relationships with their project management and field services teams,” says Baptista. “Working with them on pipelines, and now plants, it’s become clear their culture is rooted in consistent commitment to owner needs.”

To complete the Bois d’Arc Lake plant, Garney’s Leonard operations recruited expertise from the firm’s Houston office. Among other attributes, the Houston contingent, new to NTMWD, “exhibits the same dedication to quality, schedule and budget,” says Baptista. “You even see it in the firm’s younger employees, who are smart, capable and strategic in their thinking. That’s a tribute to management—the training they receive from the top down.”

“Employees excel because the company is 100% employee owned,” Burkhart contends. “I believe that provides a sense of pride and responsibility that inspires us to achieve very high levels of quality and efficiency.” Pride of ownership also trickles into areas such as safety, he says. The firm currently boasts an experience modification rate of 0.49 and a total case incident rate of 1.31, with 3.2 million hours worked in 2018.

“The ability to self-perform further enhances our safety performance, given safety is such an essential part of our culture,” says Burkhart. Extensive training is supported by initiatives that include daily huddles, job hazard analyses and use of safety task analysis cards that remind contractors of potential hazards during a day’s activities.

Of late, the firm has extended its expertise in the realm of public-private partnerships (P3s). After cutting its teeth on smaller projects, Garney is serving as developer on the $927-million Vista Ridge Water Supply Project, an undertaking that will supply 20%—or 50,000 acre-ft per year—of demand for San Antonio Water System (SAWS), says Scott Parrish, Garney president. It also is the largest P3 water project in North America, he says.

When completed next year, Vista Ridge will include 140 miles of transmission pipeline, including 54-in.-dia and 60-in.-dia bar-wrapped and steel pipe, three pump stations, each with rated capacities of 52 mgd, a cooling tower, 18 wells drilled into an aquifer, seven miles of well collection lines, three 4-million-gallon concrete tanks and one 10-mg concrete tank.

The delivery method is design-build, with the San Antonio offices of Pape-Dawson Engineers and CP&Y serving as designers and Garney as builder for the project’s well field, transmission line, pump stations and terminus. Once construction concludes, Phoenix-based EPCOR USA will operate the water system with funds derived by water payments from SAWS.

Likewise, the revenue source required to service the project’s debt will be paid for by funds derived from water payments by SAWS over a period of 30 years. Thereafter, project assets will transfer to SAWS, according to Parrish.

For Garney, “The optimal construct for P3 is when it can be both private equity and engineering, procurement and construction contractor,” says Parrish. “This structure has proven very efficient.”

加尼holds a majority equity position in the Vista Ridge project.
