肯塔基日志仍在蒸馏,LLC计划建立一个bourbon distillery在纽黑文(New Haven)占地220英亩的前Gethsemane酿酒厂。该项目范围包括翻新和建造用于蒸馏,装瓶和桶装仓库的建筑空间;购买和安装不锈钢管道,发酵罐以及蒸馏,混合,填充,流量控制,包装和静止处理设备。Doss and Horky Inc.已被选为该项目的主要承包商。预计建设将于2019年12月开始。原木仍将使用该设施生产波旁威士忌,杜松子酒,杜松子酒和伏特加酒。估计的EPC成本为1200万美元。Log Still Distilling, LLC, 3010 Old Hillsboro Rd., Franklin, Tenn., 37604. IR#KY190610.

TexasMarkWest Energy Partners, L.P. is considering constructing a天然气液体分级器在Brazoria县。项目范围包括设备基础的建设;购买和勃起结构钢;NGL储罐的制造和架设;并购买和安装分级塔,热交换器以及支撑设备和系统。预计建设将于2020年第四季度开始,等待公司批准。MarkWest Energy Partners是位于俄亥俄州芬德利的MPLX LP的子公司。估计的EPC成本为4.6亿美元。Markwest Energy Partners,L.P.,2448 East 81st St.,俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨,74137。IR#TX190627。

WashingtonSelkirk Pharma is planning to construct apharmaceutical manufacturing facility在太平洋西北部Spokan科技园区e. The project scope includes construction of a 65,000-sq-ft building with cleanrooms and sterile formulation and fill suites; and purchase and installation of wet laboratory and packaging equipment and systems. Bernardo-Wills Architects and BCA Architects have been selected to provide design services for the building. Coffman Engineers has been selected to provide engineering services for the project. Construction is expected to begin late in the third quarter of 2019. Selkirk Pharma will use the facility to provide contract sterile filling and packaging services for the pharmaceutical industry. The estimated EPC cost is $30 million.Selkirk Pharma, 827 West First Ave., Spokane, 99201. IR#WA190605.

Information is derived from Industrial Reports, a market intelligence firm specializing in industrial construction. To receive the full report with details and contacts for any of the above projects, call 800-235-2330 x2002 or emailENRprojects@industrialreports.com. To see all recent projects or to receive new project alerts, go to:http://www.industrialreports.com/enr.