
蒙大拿联邦高速公路管理局计划恢复12.4英里长Many Glacier Rd.这条道路的前4.8英里位于布莱克菲特(Blackfeet Indian)保留地内,它在巴布(Babb)加入了89号高速公路。剩下的7.6英里在冰川国家公园内。该项目将在道路下方提供改进的基本材料,安装新的沥青混凝土路面面路并替换失败,尺寸过小或以其他方式不足的涵洞。该项目的价值在1500万至2000万美元之间。Federal Highway Administration, Attn: Dean Umathum, 610 E. Fifth St., Vancouver, Wash. 98661. DR#19-00682401.

内布拉斯加州Green Star Gasifiers LLC is planning to build abiomass power plant在南苏城的罗斯工业园区。该工厂将通过与内布拉斯加州森林服务局的合作伙伴关系,每年捕获343,000吨木材废物,例如垂死或患病的树木,并通过气化将其转化为8兆瓦的能源。该项目的价值为5300万美元。Green Star Gasifiers LLC, 127 Dishman, Bowling Green, Ky. 42101. DR#18-00501792.

纽约纽约州环境保护部正在计划补救plume of groundwater pollutionthat has been spreading from the former Northrup and Grumman and Navy facilities in Bethpage. The project entails the installation of 24 groundwater extraction wells: eight in the interior of the plume and 16 along the margins. The extracted groundwater would be treated at five groundwater treatment plants using air stripping technology. Advanced oxidation process technology would be used for 1,4-dioxane removal, if necessary. Following treatment, water would be returned to the aquifer system using a constructed recharge basin or existing recharge basins, beneficially reused for irrigation purposes at Bethpage State Park, and/or beneficially reused to augment surface water flow in Massapequa Creek. To convey water from the extraction wells to the treatment plants and from the treatment plants to the discharge locations, about 23.5 miles of underground conveyance piping would be installed. The project is valued at $585 million.纽约州环境保护部,ATTN:弗兰克·卡萨马诺(Frank Cosamano),项目经理,625百老汇,奥尔巴尼,12207年。DR#19-00717825。

南卡罗来纳格林维尔的第一长老会教堂is planning an expansion project that will include a new worship and performing arts space, and reorient the entrance. The project is valued at $35 million.格林维尔的第一长老会教堂,华盛顿街200号,格林维尔,29601。DR#19-00577449。

TennesseeEast Tennessee State University is planning to build theETSU Sports Science Research Facility在约翰逊城的西市场街上。单层92,000平方英尺的开放概念设施将包括室内轨道,举重室,实验室和一些零售空间。体育科学和教练教育卓越的中心有望运营和管理该设施。该项目的价值为5000万美元。东田纳西州立大学,约翰逊市807大学公园大道,37601。DR#18-00819493。

Bids, Contracts, Proposals

亚利桑那Meritage Homes is planning Phase 1 of theWhite Tank Foothillsresidential development. Phase 1 consists of 1,286 lots across 640.2 acres, at the intersection of Citrus Road and Olive Avenue in Maricopa County. The project is valued at between $25 million and $50 million.Meritage Homes, 8800 E. Raintree Drive, Scottsdale, 85260. DR#18-00618367.

佛罗里达考夫曼·林恩(Kaufman Lynn)建筑已经开始建造Pacifica,位于博因顿海滩(Boynton Beach)的105英亩土地上的324个单元公寓大楼。它包括六座五层楼的建筑,总计427,114平方英尺,设有居民会所,游泳池,烧烤区和游乐场。该项目是由MSA Architects设计的,开发人员是Alta开发人员。该项目的价值为4000万美元。Kaufman Lynn Construction,3185 South Congress Ave.,Delray Beach,33445。DR#17-00720326。

Bid, Proposal Dates

Wisconsin 7/31The City of Waukesha Water Utility is seeking qualifications from contractors interested in carrying out improvements to theWaukesha water supply system。这项工作包括新柏林的抽水设施和存储设施;and approximately 36 miles of large-diameter pipeline, including a 13-mile supply pipeline from South 76th Street and West Oklahoma Avenue in Milwaukee to Waukesha and a 23 mile return pipeline from Waukesha’s Clean Water Plant treatment plant to a Root River outfall point at South 60th Street and West Oakwood Road in the City of Franklin. The project is valued at $206 million.City of Waukesha Water Utility, 115 Delafield St., Waukesha, 53188. DR#19-00718559.

Texas 8/1Bartlett Cocke General Contractors, the construction manager-at-risk, is seeking subcontractor bidders for Building Package 2, comprising the sitework, piers, utilities and elevators for thePort of Corpus Christi Authority port office facility。Building Package 2 is valued at $4 million. The building has been designed by Richter & Associates.Bartlett Cocke General Contractors, Attn: Scott Temple, Project Manager, 8707 Lockway St., San Antonio, 78217. DR#17-00812306.

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