当它于2016年首次推出时,Triax Technologies的Spot-R剪辑旨在检测工人何时突然跌倒,并将其在工作地点中的位置指定为安全响应者。但是,这些年来,小剪辑已经获得了一些新功能,现在包括与Jobsite上的访问控制检查站集成。

Triax Technologies首席执行官Pete Schermerhorn解释说:“现在,当人们进入我们的网络范围时,我们就会登录他们。Spot-R技术通过在工作现场设置的自定义无线网络来定位工人,但它与其他基于RFID的系统既不兼容,却用于跟踪工人何时在工作地点中和关闭工作人员。

“Now, on a controlled access site, we can show which turnstile workers go through, and combine that combines with geolocation information,” he explains. All of this will be visible on the Spot-R dashboard, and can be set up to work with existing access-control systems.

新的访问控制功能不需要较高的订阅费,除了一些物理升级到旋转门系统外,现有的Triax网络可用于跟踪现场的工人。Schermerhorn说,Spot-R夹在RFID和低能蓝牙上起作用,除了Triax的专有网络,因此物理升级很小。“We can use this to extend the core functionality of the Spot-R," he says. “We could track the opening and closing of the sites, track worker qualifications. It’s been a pretty loud voice from our customers that they don’t need to have workers wearing multiple RFID tags or clips for different uses.”

Triax Wireless网络没有记录工人的确切位置,只将其缩小到工作地点的预定区域。被动系统没有GPS,一旦他们离开工作岗位的网络范围,就不会跟踪佩戴者。这极大地延长了长达数月的电池寿命,很多情况下可以持续该项目的长度。

An Evolving Technology Finds Broader Use

Triax Spot-R标签并不适合每个站点,但是该公司将其针对垂直构造和类似的多层工作,在这里,无线中继器更容易覆盖密集的站点。事实证明,这非常适合Gilbane Construction,该建筑在过去两年中使用了20多个工作地点的Spot-R跟踪设备,包括在纽约市进行了35层建筑的翻新。

Gibane高级副总裁兼风险管理总监Don Naber说:“真正吸引我们的产品是该产品提供的秋季检索服务。”“有一些最初的痛苦,分配和设置剪辑,但我们发现我们有机会改变某些[工人]行为。”

Gilbane’s early deployments of the Spot-R clips resulted in too many false-positive readings of fall incidents, as the contractor found the threshold to trigger the sensor was set too low. But after working with Triax and tweaking the settings for how many feet of sudden movement should trigger an alert, Naber says they began to see changes in the jobsite safety culture. “What we found was that while projects are in the initial stages of work, there’s not much building or foundation, and there are site excavations to avoid. So workers take shortcuts around the site, jumping down a few feet here and there,” he says.


