
The topic was also in the forefront of discussion for those attending the American Water Works Association’s annual conference in Denver in early June.

“人们一直在大厅里阻止我,询问弗拉格斯塔夫是否直接饮用的重复使用。”布朗和考德威尔的环境工程师凯蒂·瓦尼奥(Katie Vanyo)说,这帮助亚利桑那州城市研究了直接饮用品重用的可能性,这是其100的一部分。新利18备用- 年总体规划。她在AWWA会议上的Reuse Technologies会议上说:“这绝对是一个竞争者,弗拉格斯塔夫正在采取所有正确的步骤来到达那里。”


One other possibility for the city is pumping groundwater uphill, an expensive proposition that makes potable reuse even more cost competitive. Because of space and cost constraints, the Flagstaff facility would not use reverse osmosis, which would require much more land and expense to dispose of brine concentrate, a by-product of the process. Brown and Caldwell has proposed an ozone and biological treatment that would cost $145 million, compared with $244 million for reverse osmosis.

布朗和考德威尔地区一名水实践负责人阿莱格拉·达·席尔瓦(Allegra da Silva)在会议期间的一次会议上说,创新将有助于使饮用品重用更实惠。

Another session at the conference explored Monterey, Calif.’s construction of an advanced water purification facility to treat 5 million to 7 million gallons of water a day for agricultural use and injection.

根据伍德德(Woodard)和柯伦(Curran)的莎拉·罗德斯(Sarah Rhodes)的演讲,蒙特利设施只是该州的几个再利用设施之一,2015年占71.5万英亩的水。罗德斯说,这项工程中还有20个项目可能会增加该州新利18备用网址的地下水,每年增加212,000英亩英亩。还认为五个新利18备用网址项目每年将地表水增强到118,000英亩。加利福尼亚目前正在考虑直接使用的法规。

da Silva says in many locations, the only reason to have indirect potable use, rather than direct potable use, is public perception.
