In the early 1980s, the leadership of the Birmingham, Ala.-based construction firm that would become Robins & Morton made a strategic decision—move away from hard bids in favor of negotiated contracts with its clients, most of which were health care companies.

“这对我们来说是一个很大的里程碑,”董事长兼首席执行官兼前总统和零件主人巴里·莫顿(Barry Morton)的儿子比尔·莫顿(Bill Morton)回忆说,他的名字被添加到1992年的原始罗宾斯公司(Robins Corp.)。客户并更加协作。”

Being an early adopter of what has become an industry-wide practice has allowed Robins & Morton to flourish in its core health care market, which makes up 80% of its business, as well as in the hospitality and government sectors. Combined with an overall strong Southeast economy, the company has enjoyed several consecutive years of solid growth. For 2018, Robins & Morton’s regional revenue of just under $920 million marked a 10% increase from its 2017 revenue total—which itself had grown 26.1% over 2016’s total. Robins & Morton currently ranks 11th among the region’s contractors.

该公司报告说,该卷的三分之一来自佛罗里达,这是最近在迈阿密海滩的西奈山医疗中心(Mount Sinai Medical Center)完成的1.45亿美元的塔楼和翻新项目所证明的;在圣露西港的传统医疗中心,一个7600万美元,92张床位的垂直扩展;以及梅奥诊所在杰克逊维尔的新的5600万美元癌症治疗中心。去年,罗宾斯(Robins)和莫顿(Morton)在迈阿密浸信会医院(Baptist Hospital of Miami)开设了一座1.582亿美元的塔楼和中央能源工厂扩张。

Morton notes that 90% of the firm’s revenue is repeat business, “and those clients are growing.”

Among them is Huntsville Hospital in Huntsville, Ala., where the contractor is currently constructing a $175-million orthopedic and spine tower. Rudy Hornsby, senior vice president for operations, estimates that of the “hundreds of projects” Robins & Morton has handled over the past 28 years, the contractor missed budget and schedule no more than twice.

霍恩斯比(Hornsby)还记得在亨茨维尔医院(Huntsville Hospital)与罗宾斯(Robins)和莫顿(Robins&Morton)通过综合项目交付之前的几天,项目管理的挑战。他回忆说,做新利18备用网址项目零碎,“很难管理。”

By building primarily for and around the health care industry, Robins & Morton has become well versed in the intricacies of health care construction and renovation work, from carefully staging work around existing critical operations to retaining the flexibility to accommodate last-minute decisions on high-tech equipment.

“专业医疗技术的变化如此之快,医生希望该设施开放时最新进步,”总裁兼首席运营官罗宾·萨维奇(Robin Savage)说。“你必须适应能力。”

Jacob Nagib, director of planning, engineering and construction for Daytona Beach, Fla.-based Halifax Health, credits Robins & Morton for cultivating a full understanding of health care construction issues across its project team.

“You get comfortable with them as a project goes along because they know everything,” says Nagib, who is currently overseeing Robins & Morton’s work on a 196,000-sq-ft addition at Halifax Crossing Hospital in Deltona, Fla. “They can also work directly with the facility’s users because they know what those challenges are, and what it takes to address them.”

Internal innovation

Along with becoming closely acquainted with its clients’ complex needs, Robins & Morton has sought to address internal resource challenges shared by contractors of all sizes and specialties.

In addition to supporting the work of the Birmingham Academy of Craft Training, which recruits and trains high school students for construction careers, the company’s Craft Mentorship program helps current craft-level employees prepare for management roles. The 15-week classroom and hands-on training course covers scheduling, leadership, cost control, estimating and other tools necessary to advance in the industry.

The program is highly selective, Savage adds, accepting fewer than half of the more than 20 applicants. Members of last year’s inaugural graduating class were promoted to foreman or assistant superintendent. The next class graduates this coming July.


Another new training initiative aims to shift the company’s safety effort to reflect a human performance approach by seeking to understand the underlying systematic factors that shape workers’ behaviors and actions. Savage says the approach is already having a positive effect on jobsite safety education and what employees should be watching for from a systems perspective.

“We really see this as the wave of the future for making the jobsite safer,” he says, adding that the approach may also be adapted to other parts of the company’s operations.

The new approach should enhance what is already a strong safety program. Robins & Morton was recently cited by the North Carolina Dept. of Labor and Safety by recording zero injuries or illnesses involving days away from work statewide for 1 million hours over the past eight years.


Focus on the Future


一个工具,SlatPlanner,开发增强the Last-Planner system with an analog interface to retain the physical collaboration that the company says is lost in a digital-heavy environment. Buildfore’s founders gave a presentation on applications of their scheduling products at ENR’s recent FutureTech conference in San Francisco.

While Robins & Morton is currently contemplating geographic expansion as well as vying for more complex projects such as pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, Savage expects the company to stay close to its health care roots. He notes, however, that the forces driving that market are continually evolving.


Another trend is the growth of behavioral hospitals that provide substance abuse services. Earlier this year, ground was broken on a 80,000-sq-ft crisis stabilization unit on the campus of Cherokee Indian Hospital in Cherokee, N.C. Scheduled for completion next summer, the two-story facility incorporates 31,000 sq ft of a former hospital building to provide treatments for substance abuse patients.

“We’ll also focus on the way clients want to deliver projects and continue to be adaptable to those needs,” adds Morton. A recently established second-tier planning group, made up of nearly 20 people from across the company is providing a variety of perspectives that are being integrated into the company’s overall strategic plan.

Calling the group “one of the bigger things we’ve done this year,” Morton says the group’s input “will help us meet needs of both clients and employees.”

The biggest thing Robins & Morton does for its clients, says Hornsby, is continue the practices of the past several decades.
