行业技术专业人员聚集在旧金山6月3日至5日,研究建筑技术的未来。新利18备用新利18备用Enr FutureTech吸引了700多名参加者,他们来购买新技术,获得了帮助做出战略决策的见解,并了解其他公司如何创新和解决问题。



When reporting at FutureTech in 2017 after a year of research on 1,000 companies, McKinsey identified three data clusters with the greatest activity—project execution, digital collaboration and back-office work. Further research in 2018 on 2,500 companies identified growing activity around artificial intelligence and advanced analytics.

贾扬斯说:“我们今年的最新消息尚未完成,但是对于早期的结果,我们看到的一件事令人鼓舞,这是在发生整合。”他指出,开放API对我们的行业有了“极大的恩宠”,甚至完全独立的技术系统现在交换了数据。他还指出,建筑技术的大部分投资都是在收购中。“当我是一名Autodesk收购Plangrid或Bentley购买Synchro时,他们试图做的第一件事就是集成他们的解决方案。这对我们所有人都有好处。” Jayanth说。

Sharing data for the greater benefit of the collective industry was a theme at FutureTech, where presenters spoke of the benefits other market sectors have found in pooling their data to look for clues to better performance.

In her keynote speech, Suffolk executive vice president and chief data officer Jit Kee Chin explained how predictive analytics—a statistical technique that mines data to make machine-learning-based predictions—will play a crucial role in worksite safety efforts in the next five years. Predictive analytics can also help organizations anticipate schedule problems due to unforeseen events, quality control issues, supply-chain pricing fluctuations and asset management, she said.

CHIN指出,预测分析的力量有限制,因为该工具建议通过在几个月和几年中组织和评估的大量数据和评估的大量数据来解决总体而不是具体的风险。在一组公司的后续小组中,一组公司自愿通过预测分析来分析其数据,Barton Malow Systems Systems Lindsey Rem副总裁Lindsey Rem副总裁在该计划中具有巨大的潜力。

“我们不能独自做到这一点,我们相信类y change, true transformation in the construction industry, is not going to happen by any one company, any one technology,” Rem said. Panelists say participating companies’ data is scrubbed for confidentiality—and the more companies that participate and reveal their worksite experiences, the better odds that the analysis will accelerate industry-wide advances in business practices and safety.

但这并不是所有的乐趣和在建筑世界中分享。恶意黑客和勒索软件对该行业的威胁越来越大,专家小组同意,建筑落后于网络安全最佳实践。Aon Cyber​​ Solutions副总裁Scott Takaoka说:“建设并没有像应有的那样认真对待。”“风险正在发生变化,不仅仅是数据丢失,而是关键的系统。可以将数据删除一天,一周或一个月……在漏洞之前准备好您的团队。”

On the hands-on side of technology, a panel on “Blue-Collar BIM” drew some strong opinions on ownership of the model. Robert Kipp, general superintendent with Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, emphasized the need to get builders on the construction site involved in BIM. “The way to save money is to figure things out in the field,” he said. “Most modelers are not builders.”

许多与会者对熟练的劳动力短缺表示关注,道奇数据和分析的市场更新使事情陷入了背景。道奇(Dodge)行业洞察力研究高级总监史蒂夫·琼斯(Steve Jones)表示,经济方风仍在建筑市场上保持强劲,有39%的承包商表示,他们的积压增加了,有60%的人计划在未来六个月内雇用更多的工人。但是,劳动力短缺(尤其是在混凝土和电气交易中)正在导致承包商在现有员工上堆积更多工作。琼斯对人群说:“这不是一个可扩展的解决方案。”



By Jeff Rubenstone, Erica Berardi, Jan Tuchman, Aileen Cho and Scott Blair