WSP美国经常在美国最大的专业服务公司中找到,包括在今年的ENR 500名设计公司排名中排名第八。新利18备用但是,由于首席执行官格雷格·凯利(Greg Kelly)所说的“区域方法”,WSP与其所服务的客户和社区保持了密切的联系。去年,面向地方的策略在中大西洋地区被证明是成功的。WSP的区域收入在2018年上涨了43%,超过1.832亿美元。该公司在ENR Midatlantic的顶级设计调查中排新利18备用名第5,从上一年排名第13位,促成了其作为Enr Midatlantic年度最佳设计公司的选择。凯利解释说:“我们的业务模式是与客户本地化。”“我们在本地雇用,并从战略上找到我们可以活跃并参与这些社区的办公室。”


WSPhas many long-standing client relationships in transportation, buildings and environmental markets that predate the Canadian-based company’s 2014 acquisition of Parsons Brinckerhoff. The addition of Louis Berger in December 2018 accounted for $36.2 million of WSP’s 2018 regional revenue. It also set the stage for greater access to opportunities in the federal and defense sectors. Kelly says that the $400-million acquisition, which gives WSP 1,200 people in 20 offices across the MidAtlantic region, produced immediate results. Earlier this year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded WSP two five-year indefinite-delivery contracts (IDCs) totaling $283 million to provide general A-E services at military facilities in Europe. “Separately, neither of us might have won these projects,” Kelly adds.


不断变化的运输市场仍然是该公司的重点。WSP高级副总裁杰里·詹妮蒂(Jerry Jannetti)解释说:“现在不是现在球,而是将来的位置。”由于公共部门运输机构的人员配备降低,他说:“他们希望我们不仅根据计划和规格开发设计,还提供增值服务,例如寻找帮助承包商满足或改进的方法按项目时间表。”

Abey Tamrat, capital projects program manager for the Maryland Transportation Authority, credits WSP for tackling a $58-million upgrade of sixteen 60-year old ventilation fans in the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel to mitigate smoke and fumes from heavy truck fires. WSP found that four existing air-intake fans, which were mainly spares, could be converted into ventilation fans, providing the needed fire exhaust coverage while maintaining the same internal airflow levels. “This may well be the first time a ventilation system has been reconfigured this way,” Tamrat says.

负责WSP在哥伦比亚特区,马里兰州和特拉华州的业务的塞缪尔·米尼特(Samuel Minnitte)说,响应能力和及时的合作也至关重要。例如,WSP是私人开发团队的一部分,负责振兴巴尔的摩历史悠久的宾夕法尼亚州车站。潜在的6亿美元计划旨在将108年历史的工厂转变为现代运输中心,周围有160万平方英尺的新零售,住宅和办公室建设。由于WSP还与Amtrak合作,该公司拥有该电台,并为这项工作贡献了9000万美元,“我们知道他们的优先事项,信息需求和流程,以将重建愿景转化为现实,同时还提高了运营的安全性和效率,”Minnitte说。

Building in sustainability

WSP还满足了建筑物和设施所有者的需求需求,尤其是有关能源使用的需求。WSP高级助理Sean Hu说:“他们希望基于证据的数据证明该系统将起作用。”他专门研究医疗保健,技术和其他项目的电气系统。新利18备用网址HU指出,医疗保健是中大西洋地区建筑市场中最强大的保健之一,因为所有者试图将医疗服务带到当地社区,从而消除了住院的需求。WSP通过2019年5月收购医疗保健系统专家Leach Wallace,在该地区增强了其在该地区的存在,该系统在马里兰州埃尔克里奇和宾夕法尼亚州的约克。


WSPhopes to lead by example in its planning and design services, having recently set an ambitious goal of making its U.S. operations carbon-neutral this year by pursuing high-value offsets in areas such as office location and access and employee travel. Kelly says the goal, identified during development of the firm’s recently released three-year strategic plan, originated with WSP employees. “They told us this was something they wanted us to do,” he says. “We’re hopeful we can bring our experiences to clients that have or are considering similar programs.”

Being highly attuned to employee ideas and interests is among the ways Kelly hopes to attract and retain needed talent. “Competition for good people is the downside of a good market,” he says. “We feel our on-boarding and professional development programs will foster a sense of belonging from the outset that’s sustained throughout their careers at WSP.”

Those programs have to be effective, Kelly adds, given that the MidAtlantic market shows no signs of slowing in the immediate future. “There are good opportunities through the corridor,” he says, “and we need to be ready for them.”

Sidebar: WSP USA’s high-profile regional projects include:

Corps Physical Training Facility
Virginia Military Institute



WSPis part of a joint venture providing program management services for the $2-billion public-private project that will provide a 16-mile, 21-station transit line across Washington, D.C.’s northern suburbs. Scheduled to begin operation by 2023, the electric-powered Purple Line will operate mainly in dedicated lanes along existing roadways, with short elevated and underground segments.


As part of a $50-million architecture/engineering services contract for the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, WSP and joint venture partner HKS are designing two new buildings to be located within the historic Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The $280-million, 478,000-sq-ft project will include research laboratories, a high-containment (bio-safety level 3) laboratory and six radiology rooms.