

“我们需要更多的buildings to make a big change,” said Amanda Sturgeon, ILFI’s executive director, at Living Future 19, held April 30 to May 3 in Seattle. “People were spending 90% of their time on less than 10% of the impact.”

Sturgeon说,最新版本的13年历史标准在会议上发布,旨在将80%的努力引导到80%的影响力中。LBC 4.0的意识到,七个宠物或类别的计划吓跑了所有者和轮胎参与者,其严格的净绩效要求净零每年的水和能源使用以及负责任的材料使用。

Washington state’s King County and Google have agreed to test the revision. King County has plans to develop 10 Living Buildings by 2020 as part of its climate action plan, said Dow Constantine, the King County executive.


For Salesforce, this includes its Salesforce Tower headquarters in San Francisco and planned properties across North America and Europe. For Kingspan, this means certifying manufacturing plants in Europe and North America, said ILFI.


There are 30 certified Petal projects. For that program, teams are required to meet only one of the three most difficult petals: water, energy or materials. Of 154 net-zero energy projects registered, 59 are certified. There are 14 projects registered for the net-zero carbon program.


Imperatives are ecology of place, human-scaled living, responsible water use, energy and carbon reduction, healthy interior environment, responsible materials, universal access, inclusion, beauty and biophilia, and education and inspiration.

赖特建筑商的创始人兼高级顾问乔纳森·赖特(Jonathan A. Wright)称新的核心计划为“出色”。赖特(Wright)是两个生活建筑项目的资深人士新利18备用网址在我们的业务中。”


ILFI董事长,ENR 2016年卓越奖的LBC的创建者Jason F. McLennan支持轻松的道路。新利18备用

麦克伦南(McLennan)也负责McLennan Design,他从经验中知道,即使与他的进步客户一起进行生活建筑也不容易。他说:“我们仍然面临相同的挑战,要确保铅笔消失。”