市长比尔·德·布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)于5月6日宣布,纽约市学校建筑管理局副主席是该市建筑部的新专员。

梅兰妮·拉罗卡(Melanie La Rocca), currently SCA's vice president of development and external affairs, has been named to the post three months after her predecessor, Rick Chandler, left the position. She's no stranger to NYC politics, having been the city council's chief of staff from September 2010 through December 2013, according to her LinkedIn profile.

"As a lifelong New Yorker, I understand how the construction industry plays a key role in ensuring New York City adapts to the changing needs of our business and local communities," La Rocca said in a statement announcing her appointment. "I know first-hand what it takes to deliver a high-quality project in a fast-paced environment, and I understand the need to connect with all stakeholders, especially with members of the community."

其他人则称赞德布拉西奥(De Blasio)选择了拉罗卡(La Rocca),后者自2014年1月以来一直在SCA工作。

纽约大厦大会的总裁兼首席执行官卡洛·A·西苏里拉(Carlo A. Scissura)表示:“她多年的公共服务和纽约市议会的久经考验记录将为建筑行业和所有纽约人服务。”“大会大会和我们的成员期待与专员拉罗卡(La Rocca)合作……随着我们继续体验建筑的历史水平,并在建筑物的各个方面引入了新技术。”

这些技术肯定会成为新建筑物的一部分,以及鉴于旧建筑物的改装HVAC,电气或其他系统绿色新政法that the city passed in April.

La Rocca预计将于6月3日开始她的新角色。