
建筑律师罗宾·帕金森(Robynne Parkinson)说:“几乎所有争端的起源几乎是由于缺乏沟通而引起的。”“由于一个微小的通信,我看新利18备用网址到了坦克的项目。”该会议在4月8日至10日在辛辛那提举行,包括机场设计和建设以及其传统的高速公路和大众运输主题。

旧金山国际机场首席发展官Geoff Neumayr说:“我们必须认真对待技术和合作伙伴关系。”“一开始让利益相关者参与其中很重要……这不再是'大师建造者'……而是关于大师团队。”



Communication, largely in the form of constant meetings, figured prominently in the ability to widen over 9 miles of state route MD 404 in 20 months in Maryland, say project officials. Two competing design-build teams formed a joint venture of three contractors and three design firms, dividing the project into three segments. When difficulty acquiring all the approvals jeopardized the schedule, “we brought all the executives together” to work it out, said Thomas Heil, construction manager with Allan Myers, one of the lead contractors.

Another panel discussed distribution of risk regarding utilities. In Canada, a baseline document regarding utilities is created at the outset, said Lawrence Arcand, utility engineering and surveying area manager with Cardno. “With no base knowledge, you’re snookered. The owner should spearhead getting that information and eliminate unknowns as much as possible.”

Interpersonal communication and a welcoming work environment were the themes addressed by the keynote speaker, industry coach Brent Darnell. He invoked the Ritz-Carlton customer service philosophy of making everyone feel welcome. By contrast, in the construction industry, “We don’t do that a lot,” he said. Darnell recalled visiting a project site where he was ignored until someone barked at him to close the door. “What if I were the owner? What atmosphere are you creating?”


由辛辛那提的艾琳·乔(Aileen Cho)