
该计划的动力始于1990年代初期,当时一家大公司计划将其运营转移到该市,但随后回溯了。他们当时给俄克拉荷马州市长罗恩·诺里克(Ron Norick)的原因是:他们看不到让自己的人民居住在俄克拉荷马城,回忆说,城市大都会地区项目(MAPS)办公室的项目经理戴维·托德(David Todd)回忆说。新利18备用网址


大卫·托德(David Todd)

这导致了地图的推出。资本改善计划的首次迭代是由选民于1993年12月通过了1美分的营业税资助,该税造成了超过3.09亿美元的资金,以建立诸如Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark,Bricktown Canal和Chesapeake Energy Arena之类的项目。新利18备用网址

“ 1987年搬到这里参加俄克拉荷马州,我们偶尔会访问这座城市。主要目的地是无数,现为考克斯会议中心。” Flintco LLC副总裁兼地区经理Kirk Mammen回忆道。“目睹该州和俄克拉荷马城的远见和领导能力令人印象深刻,迄今为止,他们的长期愿景和成功的愿景和成功。”


“By building these new projects, putting the canal down here, building the new ballpark downtown, the new library—just bringing it back to life—caused some people to start moving downtown,” Todd says.

OKC现在正在制作MAPS 3,这是一项由选民在2009年批准的7.77亿美元的竞选活动,用于建设八个项目。新利18备用网址其中包括一个耗资2.88亿美元的会议中心;1.32亿美元的Scissortail公园;13500万美元的现代有轨电车系统;俄克拉荷马河上的一个价值5700万美元的河流急流垂飘漂和皮划艇中心;俄克拉荷马州立盛会的5870万美元改进;四个高级健康和保健中心的5550万美元;步行,骑自行车和跑步的3950万美元;和1,810万美元用于改善人行道。根据其宪章,该市以设计竞标构建的方式管理其所有项目新利18备用网址。



12月14日,纽约市庆祝其有轨电车系统的盛大开业。Herzog Contracting Group高级副总裁J.C. Brummond说,这是Maps首次涉足一个主要的城市运输项目。

The city was “very practical in their approach to things,” Brummond says.

协调的条件与设计领域n proved to be one of the major challenges. When crews first came across site discrepancies, both the designers and the owner agreed to handle the problem as a team “rather than complaining or being resistant to contradicting their design documents. We got in front of it,” Brummond recalls. “We found a way to correct everything in advance and took care of it for pennies on the dollar for what it would have cost had they not been proactive.”


- 俄克拉荷马城地图办公室计划经理David Todd

The landmark piece of MAPS 3 is the convention center, where construction began in June, with completion expected in 2020. It’s also the single largest structure delivered under any of the MAPS programs to date, says Mammen. Flintco is contractor on the project.




该项目的复杂性位于两平方区域,它与目前正在建设的其他两个项目非常接近。新利18备用网址它坐在街对面,坐在Scissortail Park的街对面,这是一个占地70英亩的公园,分为两个部分,隔壁,距离俄克拉荷马州的1,910万平方英尺的Omni Omni Omni Hotel占地,该酒店在市中心上升17层。


The city provides oversight during all phases of the projects, notes Brandon S. Downey with Downey Contractors, which is building Scissortail Park. The firm completed the RIVERSPORT Rapids facility in 2016.


Into the Future


“使它如此独特的是没有融资。这是现金,所以当我们完成会议中心时,它会得到付费。”托德说。“这就是这个城市选民一直很有吸引力的 - 没有长期债务。另一件事是该程序的设置方式是进行投票时。它说它将从这里开始,并在这里结束。这是定义的持续时间。”

这种透明度的水平帮助该市为选民提供了大规模改善资本改善的支持。“I think often people are disappointed in government because they don’t get what they thought they were going to get or they didn’t meet budget or something, and that’s been really key to our program—delivering what we promised we were going to deliver,” Todd says.



但是地图不是城市唯一的项目生成器。当MAPS 3的营业税收集在2017年12月31日正式结束后,经过将近七年后,临时便士营业税于2018年1月1日生效,直到2020年3月31日。对于街道重新铺设,作为更好的街道,更安全的城市计划的一部分,街景,小径和人行道。

Voters approved the program in September 2017 as a $967-million general obligation bond package that uses property tax revenue to fund projects such as libraries, parks, police and fire facilities, drainage control systems and others.

The city also has a massive water project on the horizon—its largest in over 50 years. Work on the second Atoka Pipeline, a $700-million, 100-mile, 72-in. pipeline is expected to start this summer and end in 2024.

There’s also the promise of another MAPS, dubbed MAPS 4. The city expects it to be put on the ballot in December. OKC officials are currently soliciting public input on projects for the new program.

1月,在2019年城市地址期间,俄克拉荷马州市长戴维·霍尔特(David Holt)指出,该市已经收到了超过一千个项目的想法,包括水族馆,城市美化,帮助无家可归的设施,多功能体育场和体育馆新利18备用网址在州集市。

“These are such monumental projects that we have a lot of healthy competition for architects and engineers to get the projects, and I think that a lot of our contractors make an extra effort to try and get one of these projects because everybody wants to be a part of the program,” Todd says.