Key Questions

  • IFS Content Provided LogoHow are economic trends forcing construction contractors to choose between transformational change and decline?
  • Why is enterprise resource planning (ERP) software a barrier to transformation in most contracting businesses?
  • 未来成功的建筑业务中,人工智能(AI),物联网(IoT)和机器人技术将扮演什么实际角色?

Very few contractors—including large global firms—enjoy profit margins much beyond three percent even during times of strong economic growth.

即使是大型承包商,通常也是一个失败的项目或远离破产的市场。像纽约市Navillus这样的砖石承包商在收入下降后可以进入,然后从第11章破产中出现。通过合同通常与合同相关的通行收入的高百分比使承包商在政府付款中处于延误的风险,从Sri Lanka[1]到美国。在英国,有speculation[2]that a quarter of construction companies there could face insolvency by 2020, and fears over Brexit have contributed to a record number of constructioninsolvencies[3],例如,在2018年第1季度。

如今,经济状况,全球贸易的破坏和推进技术都表明承包商需要从根本上改变其业务以生存。已经,主要的非建设参与者包括Ikea[4]亚马逊[5]are pressing into themodular construction space。我们不是在谈论从一个项目交付系统到另一个项目的变化 - 承包商需要利用技术和创新思维来提供破坏性的新服务,甚至是标准化产品。


With consistent economic expansion, a construction enterprise can survive or even thrive, if not make enough profit to fund proactive growth, expand into new markets or invest in disruptive technologies that make them more competitive. But economic growth has already slowed in the EuropeanUnion[6],从2017年7月的2.8%到2018年7月的1.8%。世界银行有预报[7]slowing growth in all major advanced economies including the U.S., eurozone and Japan.

由于美国和英国与欧元区的距离,这种全球放缓的一些放缓归因于重大贸易政策的变化。尽管竞争性的价格压力和波动材料成本是该行业的常数,但我们处于非凡时期,使承包商面临更大的风险。材料成本增加了7多个新利18备用官网登录percent[8]在某些情况下应归功于美国的保护主义贸易政策和UK[9]。Interest rates in the U.S. meanwhile, are increasing after years of expansionist trade policy, putting project capital at a premium. This increase is due in part to a tight labormarket[10], which is another challenge contractors will have to contend with as the cost of their other inputs also creep up.

Disrupt or Be Disrupted

If the global economy were not enough of an existential threat to construction contractors, the introduction of disruptive new technologies will be the determining factor making some contractors more competitive and others less competitive not only on price, but in the degree to which they can drive value for project owners and expand into the lifecycle of the built asset for stable, recession-proof revenue streams.



But first, the industry has some catchup to do in terms of its fundamental business systems. Without making investments in core business infrastructure to connect the finance, project cost control, project management, procurement, sub contract management, human resources and risk management processes, advanced transformational technologies will not be able to transform the business significantly enough to enable a contracting business to survive and thrive.


To be transformed by technology, contracting businesses must build their operation around a consistent, agile and complete software backbone.

大多数中型和大型建筑问题已经实施了某种形式enterprise resource planning (ERP) software。But often, they have implemented only financial and human resources modules, in part because the rest of a typical application suite is a poor fit for the business.



完整的构造ERP[12]already contains all the data necessary for BIM, including as-designed and as-built information. The most profitable contractors will, in 2019 and beyond, expand into maintenance and service contracts, extending this data set with as-maintained views. In the course of a refurbishment or refit, have there been changes to the design as it was built? That should be reflected in that BIM environment to inform spares and repairs re-ordering, preventive maintenance and, eventually, the design process for asset replacement at the end of the life cycle. BIM and even solid mastery of the asset data that underpins it, puts a contractor in a better position to deliver value-added services to customers and project owners, before and after the project is completed.



但是意识到这些利润可以反过来燃料growth, the contracting business must have the systems and processes in place to manage the entire lifecycle of the asset. The maintenance, service and facilities management business model is more common, in the U.S. at least, in the mechanical trades than in building and industrial settings. It is common in many sectors in the UK. Very large global engineering, in water and wastewater for instance, have entered into operations, and maintenance contracts where they construct an asset and then actually profitably execute against that, meeting specific service level agreements (SLAs) for value delivery.

最初的施工合同和maintenance contract must be treated holistically because from a cost standpoint, one affects the other. In short, the asset must be designed to be easy and cost effective to operate and maintain. The contractor and asset owner will focus on the total asset lifecycle cost. This requires a very integrated and agile technology environment that addresses the asset lifecycle through the design-operate-maintain continuum.



Some contractors, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) contractors, precast construction contractors and modular home builders, have performed some work in a shop environment and then transported those completed components or modules to the construction site. IFS has seen an increase in this approach in commercial and residential construction, and I believe that most construction projects worldwide will soon involve off-site fabrication of some type.

The benefits are significant. Better use of labor will help address the shortage of skilled workers in the industry globally. Lower total cost, reduced risk of theft of tools and materials on site, and compressed project timelines are also all associated with off-site construction. Work completed in offsite, using manufacturing processes, is also not affected by inclement weather and can benefit from standard quality management and quality assurance processes common in a manufacturing setting. But processes and software used in construction and manufacturing are vastly different. Contractors who succeed will require software environments that can encompass both disciplines seamlessly.

非现场施工可能帮助推动另一个,crucial, change in the way construction takes place—standardization of parts and materials. Estimating in a construction environment typically takes place against a specification from the project owner. In design-build projects, architects or engineers are at least free to, for instance, design around the length of materials, avoiding the waste that comes when an architect’s plans require a floor that is 122 feet wide and the standard hollowcore concrete panel being used is 4 feet wide. Most larger projects also include a value engineering process. The industry has not, for cultural reasons, made significant moves towards a business model where a contractor will have standard parts and components that they may design around, lowering cost for the project owner and increasing margin for themselves. But to drive efficiencies significant enough to challenge this traditional way of doing things, contractors will need manufacturing-style software. Then they can work with owners to create unique and efficient projects that rely on standard components produced in accordance with lean principles in a manufacturing environment. Standard manufacturing ERP will not be sufficient though—a construction enterprise will still need a project-driven manufacturing solution that can also handle construction centric business processes and the time and resource constraints of site-based work.


Transformational Technologies

Contractors can and should explore how the headline-grabbing technologies like BIM, AI, Robotics, Drones, 3D Printing and IoT can help them change the way they do business.

Artificial intelligence (AI) will impact every sector of business, and in construction, commercially-available technologies already exist.

Construction scheduling software such as 4D scheduling with AI algorithms can solve complex problems in real time—problems much too complex for any human to handle, especially when at times individuals will act myopically based on their area rather than to the greater good of the company and its customers.


But the greatest potential for IoT will come after project completion, when it can monitor structural members, mechanical systems and project integrity to support high-margin warranty and service and maintenance contracts. IoT sensors can also automatically update the databases that underpin building information modeling (BIM) on the condition of the structure over its lifecycle. As the industry adopts predictive maintenance practices in the future, data from these sensors can also be run past algorithms that can predict structural or system failure, enabling a contractor to ensure the performance of an asset over its lifecycle.






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[8]新利18备用官网登录costs-increase-74- contractors-contractors-continue-be-be-Squeezed



