Until last year, Cook County General Hospital sat vacant for 17 years. As redevelopment plans fizzled, graffiti from squatters began to turn up inside the 1.2-million-sq-ft building once known as Chicago’s Ellis Island. When the staff of County General moved across the street to John H. Stroger Hospital in 2002, the 1914 Paul Gerhardt-designed building served no purpose other than as a refuge from the elements for transients. It was listed four separate times on non-profit preservation group Landmarks Illinois’ list of most endangered historic places, and its brick, terra-cotta and granite facade began to crumble after years of neglect and exposure.

“When we got here [in September 2018] it was a real mess,” says Ken Johnston, senior project manager for general contractor Walsh Construction. “You can see some of the graffiti is modern. There are Twitter handles in it.”

Walsh,建筑师Skidmore,Owings和Merrill(SOM),芝加哥开发商John T. Murphy和他的Murphy Development Group,MB Real Estate,Plenary Group和Granite Cos。组成了一个名为Civic Health Development Group(CHDG)的设计建设团队,该团队是该团队2015年对库克县RFP做出了回应,要求提出拯救医院的建议。先前对重建的尝试失败了,主要是因为所有开发人员都想先在网站附近建造一些东西,并与后来是县将军的庞大的白大象打交道。在2006年将建筑物添加到国家历史悠久的地方登记册后,伊利诺伊州地标的率领的努力使重建工作有资格获得联邦历史税收抵免,并从破坏球中获得了缓刑。

“There was an initiative in 2014 by Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle to identify the hospital as an asset for the county,” says Bonnie McDonald, president of Landmarks Illinois, which advocates for reuse and redevelopment of historic buildings. “In fact, the name for the charrette process was called, ‘unlocking the value,’ because she recognized that there was financial value in the hospital building itself and not just the land.”


“该计划分为四个不同的阶段,但整个事情的关键是医院本身。”该项目设计的SOM合作伙伴Brian Lee说。“在您修理房间的大象之前,您无法真正围绕它建立初始阶段。”

CHDG’s $1-billion, four-phase project named Harrison Square plans to transform County General into a 345,000-sq-ft mixed-use complex with 70,000 sq ft of office space, a 4,000-sq-ft hospital museum, 25,000 sq ft of retail and the rest a 210-room Hyatt House/Hyatt Place dual hotel. It’s a downsizing of the massive building, but SOM says it maximizes the usable space.

The initial phase of construction is budgeted at $100 million and is listed on ENR Midwest’s Top Starts ranking this year. Future phases include plans for a residential building that wraps around an existing parking garage, two medical office building developments and another mixed-use development in Pasteur Park.

“First came evaluation of what could actually fit within the building,” Lee says. “What [building] programs would make sense? There were many different permutations that we bandied about during the RFP phase. Conversation about residential, conversation about all office, and, ultimately, we settled on what made the most sense for the area in terms of what was needed as well as what the building could accommodate—and that was two-thirds hotel and then the rest offices.”



– Ken Johnston, Project Manager, Walsh Construction

“Of course, they had nothing,” Johnston says. “The building was built in 1914. It was a huge unknown for us and as we got closer to going forward with the job.”


屋顶甲板被严重恶化,和上floors had become the new roof. Those all needed to be replaced with new roof slabs. The original lobby was double height, and its staircase will be the centerpiece of one of the hotels.


The original structure was built on clay-tiled arches. Steel support columns were wrapped in clay tile and the walls were built around them. After the walls were built, contractors poured the topping.


The marble on the steps of the double-height staircase for the new lobby is worn thin after a hundred years of foot traffic.


“They put up corrugated metal, but it really wasn’t protected,” Johnston says. “That steel was pretty deteriorated.”

Johnston says the Walsh team knew, going in, that there was going to be some deck replacement, but putting a dollar amount to what needed to be replaced is an ongoing challenge. The project has a fast speed to market approach with design-build partner MB Real Estate. The Hyatt and Hyatt Place hotels are scheduled to open in late 2020.

沃尔什(Walsh)缓解未知的一种方法是使用360张照片捕获服务Holo Builder来记录早期条件并跟踪进度。由于发现了新条件,因此可以与SOM和MB房地产共享360度的站点图像。


What HoloBuilder is documenting on the interior, drone scans are capturing outside. The 345,000-sq-ft building is so big that drones are one of the few technologies that can cover all of it.

“Droning has been very valuable,” Johnston says. “When you can look at a photo or move that photo or manipulate it, it’s so much easier to see what you’re working with or what you need to do.”

