领先设计公司SCI Architects PC
总承包商Okland Construction Inc.
结构工程师Wilson & Co.
Civil EngineerCRS工程师
Electrical EngineerBNA Consulting


总承包商Okland Construction项目主管Jeremy Blanck回忆说:“这不是一个普通的项目。”“该项目不仅要计划和准备,而且要在固定的时间内进行和执行。”

自1991年建造以来,Vivint Smarthome竞技场就没有更新,因此有很多工作要做。两万架竞技场席位被撕开并更换,而Concours和主入口完全重做。重新设计了地面,并设有用于VIP的私人空间。入口添加了一个12,000平方英尺的敞开中庭。布兰克说:“我们可能在现场有78个不同的分包商。”“每天平均有2,000多名工人,平均有500名工人。”在短短四个月的时间里,船员在每周7天每天运行20个小时的网站上进行了两次班次工作。Blanck估计,这项工作通常会有16个月到18个月的分阶段。

Upfront planning was key to the project’s success. Reliable as-builts for the arena helped demolition go smoothly, and suppliers provided just-in-time deliveries. The only real snag was the result of a natural disaster 1,000 miles away. “Our retractable seating came in from overseas, and it was scheduled to come into the Port of Houston the same time that Hurricane Harvey hit,” says Blanck. The project team had to shuffle workloads to avoid delays on site, but after a week waiting at sea, the seating came in. “We got to be one of the first ships to get in after the storm,” he says. An expedited shipment to Utah and some creative scheduling kept the project to its 129-day deadline.

ENR's Best of the Best Projects 2018