
现在,Petro-Canada将是位于卡尔加里的巨型Suncor Energy的一部分,将于今年春季在网络上开始工作,从新斯科舍省延伸到不列颠哥伦比亚省。该公司没有宣布充电站的确切位置,也没有宣布建筑成本或承包商。新利18备用官网登录

“With more than 1,800 retail and wholesale locations across the country, we have the network in place to build Canada’s first electric highway, providing coast-to-coast charging for our customers,” said Kris Smith, Suncor executive vice president for downstream markets, in a statement.

Each of the charging stations or stops will feature two high-powered chargers and two waiting spots.

根据Petro-Canada的说法,200 kW充电器可以在30分钟内将电动汽车的电池榨汁至80%。Petro-Canada说,这些充电器还将有能力升级到350 kW,并配备Chademo和CCS/SAE连接器,以支持广泛的电动汽车。


It says the U.S. Energy Dept. website can theoretically plot a route from New York to Los Angeles, but drivers would face long stretches with no charge stations or ones that only Tesla-produced vehicles can use.


“We strenuously … would not recommend anyone actually attempt to drive this route in an electric car; it would take a long, long … long time,” says reviewer Brian Wong.