High-speed rail advocates are looking on the bright side after new California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared In his first国家状态本月的讲话说,计划的770亿美元计划的旧金山洛杉矶系统正在失控。新利18备用官网登录

纽森说,他将专注于有限公司mpletion of the first 171 miles between Merced and Bakersfield.


CEO Brian Kelly released a statement: “The Governor has called for setting a priority on getting high speed rail operating in the only region in which we have commenced construction—the Central Valley. We are eager to meet this challenge and expand the project’s economic impact in the Central Valley."

Kelly added that "Importantly, [Newsom] also reaffirmed our commitment to complete the environmental work statewide, to meet our 'bookend' investments in the Bay Area and Los Angeles and to pursue additional federal and private funding for future project expansion. We welcome this direction and look forward to continuing the important work on this transformative project.”

中西部高速铁路协会执行董事里克·哈尼什(Rick Harnish)表示,狭窄的重点可能会为连接湾区和南加州的更广泛目标带来长期利益。“如果他们真的可以专注于默塞德和贝克斯菲尔德之间的220英里 /小时的火车,并在两端固定连接器之间,那么这将是变革性的。如果您将Amtrak的服务从奥克兰升级到梅塞德和梅塞德到萨克拉曼多,并每天增加几列火车,该怎么办?现在,您已经有了自动竞争时间到中央山谷的湾区。”

Some $3 billion in construction is underway.

The first segment, CP1, covering 32 miles from Madera to Fresno, has passed the 50% mark and has 33 major structures, including two trenches and three viaducts.


The 21-mile CP4 extending north has begun initial construction while the agency starts to wrap up environmental permits

美国公共交通协会also took an optimistic approach, stating that it “appreciates and applauds ... Newsom's commitment to the long-term goal of bringing high-speed rail to California and to continued improvements of local and regional public transportation systems. The Governor said that the state will focus first on completing the 119-mile Central Valley phase in the near term, while completing environmental assessments and seeking funding for the entire project."
