Although taxpayers and benefactors spent $69 million on London's infamous Garden Bridge, no concrete was ever poured nor any metalwork formed. Planned as a privately financed venture, the project failed to secure enough backing.

The final toll was just revealed by Transport for London (TfL), the city’s transit authority, which itself spent $31 million on the canceled River Thames crossing. The Dept. for Transport’s share was $24 million including a third of it to project owner the Garden Bridge Trust.

The project to build a plant-laden, privately financed bridge in central London collapsed in summer 2017 after London Mayor Sadiq Khan declined to underwrite long-term maintenance in case the trust were to fail. A huge amount of design and preconstruction work had been done in the previous four years.

这是当地设计师托马斯·希瑟威克(Thomas Heatherwick)和受欢迎的电视名人乔安娜·卢姆利(Joanna Lumley)的创意,他说服当时的马约尔·鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)和政府首席财政部长乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)支持该计划。

TFL聘请了Arup Group在2013年开发设计,而Heatherwick被任命为副顾问。信托基金于2015年从TFL接管该项目后,它与意大利的Pordenone的Cimolai S.P.A.接管了巴黎的Travaux Publics S.A.


为了充当水上的花园,伦敦市中心的大约368 m长的结构将在两个位置扩大到30 m。需要在其172 m的主跨度上支撑多达2 m的土壤,甲板深度将在码头上达到6 m。甲板顶部将用不锈钢板板板。它的侧面和大型凹槽混凝土墩将被封闭在杯状上。