美国,英格兰和荷兰的美国陆军工程兵团和国际组织于1月19日发行了一本261页的书,名为“与自然工程 - Atlas”。可以作为纸质副本或免费提供下载, the atlas showcases 56 projects around the world that apply the principles of an initiative to support engineering with nature, rather than against it, to protect the environment, infrastructure and quality of life.



“We are making more and more use of drones,” says Todd S. Bridges, the U.S. Army’s senior research scientist for environmental science at the Corps’ Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg, Miss. He is national lead on the EWN initiative.

Bridges says drones give planners a superior vantage point, particularly over coasts and wetlands, not only as they engineer a project, but also as they monitor construction and results. “Getting elevation data is pretty important, and getting good data can be hard to do,” says Bridges. “It can be a very convenient place to have a drone that is fixed with Lidar, in cases where a few inches really matter.” He says stand-off measurement technologies help monitor the environment and its evolution. “You have to be able to understand the environment if you are going to engineer it—especially for processes operating at landscape scale.”

兵团费城地区运营部项目经理莫妮卡·查斯顿(Monica Chasten)表示,她的小组使用无人机来帮助记录和监视新泽西州多个EWN项目的进度,包括p。新利18备用网址86在地图集。另一个用途是在“薄层放置”的应用中应用疏and的材料在阿瓦隆附近恢复沼泽,并在环岛附近建造了两个筑巢栖息地。计划在军团在阿瓦隆附近的后湾建立的七英里岛生活实验室中使用更多的无人机使用。

Several project managers with the Nature Conservancy also report making increased use of drones for streambed restoration for the same reasons, and individual consulting fi rms are picking up local projects for this as well.

Greg Gloor, a surveyor with New Jersey civil and environmental engineering firm Dresdner Robin, used a drone to provide pro bono services to a citizens group in Pompton Lakes, N.J., led by Lauren Venin, a landscape architect and certified flood plain manager with the firm. Her volunteer group, the Pompton Lakes Flood Advisory Board, wanted to locate and rate the flood risk posed by downed trees and debris dams blocking three rivers in the town. A heavy snow in spring 2018 left a lot of tree damage on the banks. The board wanted to help the town scope the problem and plan remediation.


董事会将无人机的KML输出带入了用于数据组织的免费QGIS软件中,并标记并对映射到Google Earth位置的空中照片上的96个障碍物进行了标记和排名。自治市镇将数据传递给其工程师以制定工作计划。



Gloor, who planned and executed the mission, calls the DJI Matrice 210 he used “a beast.” He says he picked it because it can carry a variety of sensors and a camera with interchangeable lenses for three different angles of view — even two at a time. It also can look up, not just down, and is weather resistant, small enough to pack in a car and easily assembled for fast mobilization. It’s heavy enough to be stable in bad weather and has a flight time of about 20 minutes, “although 10% or 15% less in weather below 35º F,” he says.


  • 查看Google Earth中的河段,并找到银行顶部之间距离的最小/最大基本图像宽度。
  • 将基本距离乘以1.5至2以换取方差,并允许对堤岸区域的上下文视图
  • 确定与选定的镜头飞行的高度,以在框架中获得该宽度。
  • 确定将在所需海拔处捕获的上下图像高度(地面覆盖范围)。
  • 解决速度的求解,因此图像高度的80%在2秒内传播(他的无人机可以捕获图像的最大速度)使一系列图像重叠20%。
  • 检查FAA空域是否对该区域中无人机使用的限制。
  • 使用飞行计划软件计划在河中心线上的路线,包括起飞和着陆点。预计电池消耗。
  • di童子军起飞和降落点,视线stance for each segment, obstacles and hazards. Take note of birds!
  • Execute as weather permits.