环球混凝土产品及其总裁兼共同所有人唐纳德·浮士德(Donald Faust Jr.根据1月28日宣布的和解协议,浮士德没有承认任何不当行为。

The settlement is the latest development in the wake of a federal investigation into deficient concrete architectural panels manufactured by UCP and installed on the northern Virginia project by Capital Rail Constructors. In all, 1,569 UCP-produced panels were installed on the project by CRC, a joint venture of Clark Construction and Kiewit Infrastructure South.

In 2016, former UCP employee Nathan Davidheiser filed a whistleblower lawsuit that was investigated by the FBI and the U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s inspector general’s office.

前UCP质量控制经理安德鲁·诺兰(Andrew Nolan)在法庭上承认,他和员工在监督下进行了伪造的测试记录,以表明缺陷混凝土面板中的空气内容符合规格。去年12月,诺兰被判处一年徒刑,并被命令支付140万美元的赔偿金。这笔款项在向大都会华盛顿机场管理局的付款和举报人诉讼之间均匀分配。作为举报人,戴维海瑟(Davidheiser)有权获得一定比例的恢复原状。

Faust did not return calls for comment from ENR.

The deficient panels, which could be prone to cracking, will be treated with a sealant to reduce the chances of future deterioration. Under an agreement with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), CRC will apply a silane coating with corrosion inhibitor to the panels every ten years for 100 years.

CRC项目总监Keith Couch在一份声明中说:“ Capital Rail构造商正在最终确定与WMATA的财务决议,并且正在追求从各种来源收回成本。”新利18备用官网登录

Silane coating began in December, but has been slowed due to wet and cold weather, says Charles Stark, Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project vice president. Stark notes that in addition to rain and snow, road spray from an adjacent highway can reach the panels.
