





Addressing turnover and understanding its related costs is crucial. The Bureau of Labor Statistics currently reports the median annual wage of plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters to be $52,590. Using readily available financial data on separation, recruitment, hiring and onboarding expenses, we know turnover costs in this wage bracket to be at least 50% of an employee’s annual salary, or more than $26,000 to replace one skilled plumber.


Keeping Employees Happy

Adopting this proactive perspective during a period of labor shortages and work aplenty requires stepping back from urgency for an honest appraisal of the human-resource function in the organization to determine whether efforts are strategic or merely compliance driven. Like other human-resource initiatives, recruiting is an important and practical solution to a common problem but best utilized within the framework of a greater strategy.

实施良好的战略可以为保留和招聘提供基础,即使在紧密的市场中也是如此。这样一来,您将最好地保护员工免于被动招募策略,并成为寻求自己受到重视和参与环境的活跃候选人的明显选择。将员工保留和敬业度作为优先事项的领导者一直取得成功,并且作为坎贝尔汤公司(Campbell Soup Co.)的前总裁兼首席执行官道格拉斯·康纳特(Douglas Conant)在2015年发推文,“要在市场上获胜,您必须首先在工作场所赢得胜利。”


Employee engagement is described as the passion, commitment and emotional connection that employees have for their organization and work. In the pursuit of turnover reduction, it’s important to develop an understanding of the most common components aligned with engagement: leadership, work environment, job design, learning and performance management.

Each element is individually valuable and can be strategically aligned and measured for success or modification as necessary. Assuming an organization has already met basic employee needs through competitive compensation and benefit practices and a safe working environment, these areas of focus can support an enriched environment for your employees to thrive and exert positive discretionary effort on behalf of the organization.



Regular evaluation of human-resource practices is crucial to knowing what is effective versus imprudent. Random efforts to focus on recruitment at all costs seem reckless when considering the financial benefits of reducing turnover rates through strategic human-resource plans and improved employee-engagement efforts.

Appreciating the employees of an organization as its internal stakeholders while maximizing each employee’s potential to improve the bottom line is just good business practice. Organizations that appreciate this perspective and effectively utilize these strategies stand to improve their competitive advantage and create lasting value over their competition.

黛比·伯克特(Debbie Burkett)是佛罗里达州温特帕克(Winter Park)罗林斯学院(Rollins College)的人力资源硕士学位候选人,在那里她研究招聘,保留和战略性人力资源管理。她拥有为专业承包商和非营利组织工作的15年以上的经验,因此与中小型企业进行了咨询。她可以接触到dburkett@rollins.edu