阿拉·温斯坦(Alla Weinstein)将她的生活描述为一系列“计划外事件”,但竞争对手将海上风能技术先驱和串行企业家描述为“顽强而专注”,她推动了在深水中发挥大量浮动涡轮机和收入的推动力。在加利福尼亚和其他地方。



温斯坦(Weinstein)设计并测试了一个替代浮动平台,许多荣誉这位创始人兼首席执行官Trident Winds LLC与两年前的远见卓识一起向监管机构提交了一个未经请求的建议建造一个浮动的风电场在加利福尼亚海岸附近。

“It literally woke up California,” she says. Weinstein scored a breakthrough this year when the U.S. Interior Dept. agreed to open 1,200 sq miles of ocean for development.

Karen Douglas, a state energy commissioner, says she changed perceptions that “offshore wind was too expensive to pursue.”

由于最近颁布的州授权,到2030年,到2030年的60%的能源和到2045年。Trident及其更大的德国能源合作伙伴Enbw于11月与加利福尼亚州Morro Bay签署了一项协议,因此对海上风的支持可能会增长。,到2026年建立一个1,000兆瓦的项目。


1974年苏联emigré trained as an aerospace engineer, she earned a U.S. electrical engineering degree but landed at contractor Honeywell only through a loophole it found in her immigration status. For 10 of her 20 years at the firm, she was its only female engineer.


“When I closed the door to the Soviet Union, I believed you can start from impossible and figure it out,” she says, switching her focus to modifying oil platforms with wind turbines and launching Principle Power LLC to develop and test the WindFloat technology in Europe.


CEO Weinstein left the firm in 2013 and says she will also consider other floating platforms for the Morro Bay project as it progresses, but WindFloat’s promise gained about $100 million in European funding last year for a larger 25-MW floating wind farm to be built off Portugal.

Principle, with partners, also was picked last year by a northern California utility in Eureka to co-develop a 100-MW to 150-MW project about 20 miles off Humboldt Bay.

即使有利益相关者的障碍来临,现为主要电力首席执行官Joao Metelo称该项目为美国的“改变游戏规则”。

In a statement, the utility cited the team’s mature, cost-competitive floating wind technology and its capacity to develop, finance, operate and build the project and a future supply chain.
