If Kris Caldwell has a mantra, it’s “we have to do more.” The project manager for Louis Berger spent more than a year in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, helping to place and maintain more than 1,600 generators around the territory, leaving only in October 2018 when the Army Corps of Engineers wound down its temporary power mission, for which Louis Berger was a contractor.

“克里斯(Kris)对任务的成功非常有帮助,”伯杰(Berger)高级副总裁兼波多黎各任务负责人史蒂夫·希尔(Steve Hill)说。希尔说,考德威尔(Caldwell)对工作所需的“对人和技术理解的理解都具有广泛的理解”,以及基于解决方案的重点。

Caldwell rarely left the island during the time she was working there, and instead brought her family to visit her.

She was driven by the desire to give Puerto Rico residents the electricity and water that those in the mainland U.S. take for granted. “I really want to see these folks get back to some sort of normal,” says Caldwell, now on Tinian in the Northern Mariana Islands helping Louis Berger, which was recently acquired by WSP, provide temporary power to the island devastated by Typhoon Yutu. “I am passionate about this work. I want to see people have small things like ice in their glass.”

In March, providing a tour to ENR journalists, she proudly showed off the generators providing power to water systems pump stations. Around those generators, Caldwell pointed out laundry hanging from lines outside storm damaged homes with blue roofs. “They may not have power, but I know they have water,” she says.

考德威尔(Caldwell)乘着紫色吉普车(Purple Jeep)在岛上开车,知道所有大约600人与她合作,他们都认识她。

During the Puerto Rico mission, she was an incident commander responsible for installing and de-installing generators around the island. She then became responsible, along with Berger vice president Raul Rosa, for maintenance when it became apparent that the generators, not intended to operate 24/7 for months on end, would need some TLC. Then, after spending her “free time” to help get the microgrids on Puerto Rico’s islands of Vieques and Culebra, Hill assigned her to help oversee and transition management of the microgrids to other entities when their mission was over.

