For Tim White, founder and chairman of White Construction Group in Castle Rock, Colo., the mixed-use Steam on the Platte development was a perfect fit for him and his company—a complicated project that, in White’s words, had “hair on it.”

据白,仓库综合体在1401年Zuni St.在丹佛的街区,距离南普拉特河附近的一块街区,靠近英里高体育场和70号州际公路的交汇处,包括五个独立的属性,每个属性都是拥有自己的信托契据。此外,该地点历史记录至少达到1917年,当时俄罗斯 - 犹太移民在邻里和当地的拉比运行大楼的大型抹布业务时,开发商起诉城市企业表示。

在项目上合作的白色和权力,在权力中称之为“我们走进的婚姻而没有从事。”这两个人彼此不了解,他们也不知道11月,他们将分享Mayor的Idonic开发的设计奖,与White Constaller Group的Doug Decker,Doug Decker,也是该项目的合作伙伴。

The building, finished in September 2017, retains much of its industrial character, with an open design that reveals brickwork, air ducts and even old machinery. It’s something that Powers says White advocated from the start.

“He was very much leading the conversation about, ‘Let’s not screw up what’s there,’” Powers says. “He said, ‘We’ve got the bones of this building. Let’s just go back and take it to where it was, and not put in drywall offices and cover up all the beauty that’s here.’ It’s a magnificent building because we took that kind of approach to it, and he was really pushing that. He was not your typical contractor who encloses everything. He has a great understanding of existing buildings.”

White Construction Group also has renovated other landmarks, including Denver’s Trinity United Methodist Church, the Ninth Street Historic Park at the Auraria Higher Education Center in Denver and Stanley Marketplace in Aurora, Colo. For the marketplace, formerly the Stanley Aviation building, White spent three weeks in Europe visiting public markets so he could soak up their designs and ambience.

About the Stanley Marketplace, completed in 2016, White Construction Group President Chris Haugen says White is “able to assess a project not just from a construction standpoint. He catches the vision.”

Started as a One-Man Shop

White has been sharpening his focus since 1985, when he told his boss at Pinkard Construction in Lakewood, Colo., that he wanted to open his own firm. As White recalls, the answer was, “You can continue to work here as long as you can. If you need to take a few days off for your own company, you can do that.”


Early business consisted mainly of U.S. government contracts, including at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, the former Lowry Air Force Base in Denver and the Denver Federal Center in Lakewood. Building upon that solid portfolio, White began to make his name and attract more clients.

“我一直非常非常幸运能够在那些真正赐给我机会并信任我并一直挑战我的人身边,”白人说。“早期,即使他们有挑战性 - 我的意思是以消极的方式,以积极的方式 - 你总是在今天做更多的事情,而不是你昨天做的更好,并试图比你昨天做得更好。

“And the people who surrounded me as clients, as owners, as consultants—I’ve just been real fortunate to be around some very, very qualified and quality folks who just believed in that type of culture. Even though it was a challenge, it was always an opportunity,” he says.







In addition to spending time with his five children, White is dedicated to Castle Rock and surrounding Douglas County. He’s the former mayor of Castle Rock; he served on the Douglas County Board of Education; and he’s currently president of the Intermountain Rural Electric Association.

白色承认公共服务来说是个不错的选择business but also says, “The way I was raised, I suppose, it was just a mindset that you owed something to your community you were living in. I didn’t become mayor of Castle Rock because I wanted to get into politics. I just felt that I’d been in Castle Rock and I’d built some buildings … and I feel it’s one way you can pay it back.”

