Phase IV – Gloucester Remedy Implementation
Best Project, Water/Environment, and Award of Merit, Excellence in Safety
Gloucester, Mass.

Key Players
National Grid
总承包人:Charter Contracting Co. LLC
首席设计公司:Anchor QEA and GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc.
Construction Manager:GZA Geoenvironmental Inc.
Subcontractors:Sea and Shore Contracting; Lockwood Remediation; Technologies WSP USA; RPF Environmental; Steele Associates; RL Proulx Electrical; BTT Marine Construction; Cascade Drilling; Semper Diving & Marine; Black Dog Divers; Marguerite Concrete; TG & B Marine Services; Custom Stone Builders; Milinazzo Paving; Accura Construction

对于任何项目团队来说,在拥挤的历史滨水区上交付有限的多项式项目将是可强大的。再加上有必要与四个财产所有人(包括联邦政府和城市政府)进行协调,这些挑战变得彻底令人生畏。QEA Anchor的负责人马克·马奥尼(Mark Mahoney)说:“占相对较小的占地面积有太多的活动部件。”“这非常复杂,而且您必须满足四个业主的独特需求。”



Throughout the $30-million project, the team had to coordinate with the city of Gloucester, the Maritime Museum and the Coast Guard as well as National Grid, which was the project client that also owned property on the 78,970-sq-ft waterfront area. To avoid the height of tourist season, no work could be performed between Memorial Day and Labor Day. While working during the offseason helped reduce potential interference with other property owners and harbor users, the Coast Guard had to remain 100% operational at all times.

Paul Bertolino, project executive at Charter Contracting Co., says the project was the most complex and sequenced project the company has ever undertaken. “Given the amount of work that had to be done in a short period of time, the amount of coordination required with regard to schedule restrictions can’t be underestimated when you look at a job like this,” he says.

A major portion of the project scope was harbor dredging and removal of soils contaminated by a former manufactured gas plant. Crews excavated and transported more than 42,000 tons of impacted soils and sediments by barge for offsite thermal treatment and disposal. A barge-mounted 200-gallon-per-minute temporary water treatment plant was used to support that effort.

从疏浚材料降低气味的风险and to minimize road traffic, Charter transported the equivalent of 1,800 truckloads of contaminated material using thirteen barge loads shipped by tugboat to New Jersey. The strategy eliminated the need to load materials on land, dewater them, stockpile them and process them in downtown Gloucester.


Crews also placed 80 marine armor mattresses filled with stone and a “sand-organo” clay mix. Charter filled each prefabricated mattress at a staging facility and then trucked four to five 2,000-ton mattresses per trip on a flat-bed trailer to the staging area at the Coast Guard Station. From there, mattresses were placed by a land-based crane with assistance from divers. Additionally, crews constructed and installed a marine pore water cap in the dredge footprint. This reestablished grades, preserved ecological habitats and mitigated migration of waste.


To maintain the integrity of these historic structures, the team worked with representatives from the Public Archaeology Laboratory who were on site to observe the reconstruction of the seawall and to observe and catalog artifacts unearthed during the diver-assisted suction dredging of sediments around the marine railway.

该项目范围还包括在所罗门·雅各布斯公园(Solomon Jacobs Park)和国家网格物业(National Grid Property)的新建建筑和重建。附近物业的现有海堤得到了加强以提高安全性。新的海堤和在国家网格大楼前的可访问土地的增加为公众通往海滨提供了增强的通道。总体而言,重新安装了海堤,以更好地满足港口的需求。

该团队还用新的浮动码头系统代替了所罗门·雅各布斯公园(Solomon Jacobs Park)前面的木制码头,以提供增强的着陆设施,以供港口药师和船夫使用。疏ging为港口大师的船只在关键区域以及在项目足迹中运行的其他休闲船提供了额外的草稿。

“总的来说,我们使这块海滨更加用户友好,”国家电网项目经理肯尼斯·伦托(Kenneth Lento)说。“这对城市来说是一个真正的好处。”

Judges agreed, noting that the project was not only complex from a logistical standpoint, but also that it was a good addition to the community. “The end product looked great when they were done,” one judge commented.

In the face of many challenges, the project was executed safely. The team established a project-specific air-monitoring program and traffic-control plans. Charter controlled odors by limiting the size of the area disturbed and using foam or other engineered controls, stopping work if necessary. The traffic control plan included route planning for trucks and other vehicles and coordination with local authorities, agencies and the surrounding community on transportation safety issues.
