
2017年9月20日,飓风ría visited Puerto Rico, bringing with it cataclysmic destruction unparalleled in the last 100 years. María’s winds left an already debilitated electrical grid totally useless. A Class 4 direct hit, the first in 90 years and the only direct hit in modern history.

The entire overhead aerial electric grid had come crashing to the ground after endless hours of 155 mph winds. Thousands of lattice work towers were destroyed or damaged and an estimated 50,000 poles were down and in need of replacement. There was no stock of materials to rebuild with. The lattice tower grid, built across the island’s mountains, had delivered power from generation in the south to the densely populated north and eastern shores. All the island’s power plants were severely damaged and most were completely or partially offline. The rudimentary preliminary restoration of service took the Corps of Engineers and thousands of local and stateside contractors, billions of dollars and a year to accomplish. Today, 99% of the population is back online, but hundreds of FEMA generators remain in service.

So now the island is now faced with the enormous task of building a resilient generation, transmission and distribution (T&D) system. That system will include decentralizing and privatizing power plants that will be dispersed around the island. Both large renewable energy and alternative energy micro grid P3’s will be built. These proposals will be a mixed bag of design/build and turnkey proposals.

It is estimated it will take $12 to $14 billion in federal funds and four to five years of work to rebuild the T&D systems. PREPA has hired stateside and local engineering firms who have conceptualized the new improved PREPA. It has been announced recently the T&D systems will be administered and maintained by a private sector administrator. That process is in the RFP stage. It's expected that the administrator will be in place next year.


多个假装和提议者正在排队购买现有的过时的发电厂,其他人则建议在现有棕色领域和其他绿色领域的其他品种中建造所有新一代设施。政府已建立了由奥马尔·马雷罗(Omar Marrero)执导的扩展的P3促进机构,称为COR3。Marrero以及Prepa的Ortiz都是高效的公务员。他们作为管理员的技能将通过大火测试。中央政府的党派政治将给他们带来巨大的压力,要求他们雇用亲戚。但是,已经建立了联邦和地方监督委员会,以确保该计划保持关键。

On the T&D side, undergrounding large segments of transmission system around the new power generation facilities will be realized. More resilient overhead systems and a conversion to Rural Utility Service specifications will be in the plan. The RUS/USDA construction standards will create uniformity and make it easier to secure materials from stateside suppliers in the next emergency.




Stephen Spears is president of the Puerto Rico Chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America.