Scana Corp.的前雇员几天就作证了涉嫌与失败的V.C.有关的不法行为。夏季核项目,该公用事业公司与南卡罗来纳州提出了集体诉讼。和解协议向纳税人返还了大约20亿美元,这些纳税人为未完成的核电站支付了费用,Scana和Santee Cooper于2017年放弃了。

根据Scana出版社statement, the proposed settlement will provide “up to $2 billion in future electric rate relief.” The utility adds that the settlement also addresses the state’s arguments that the Base Load Review Act—the South Carolina law that helped establish a mechanism for funding the V.C. Summer project—is unconstitutional. The settlement requires court approval, and the Public Service Commission must give final approval of a merger between SCANA Corp. and Dominion Energy for it to take effect.

Reaching this settlement “ends our pursuit for restitution to ratepayers, but does not end our inquiry into the individual actors that may have contributed to the project’s failure,” South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson said in a statement.

对V.C.撤消的调查Summer nuclear plant expansion—canceled in March 2017—was the subject of weeks-long hearings by the PSC that began Nov. 1. There, some of the biggest drama surrounded whether Carlette Walker—SCANA’s former vice president for nuclear finance administration—would testify. South Carolina’s Office of Regulatory Staff had pointed to Walker’s unredacted deposition as it argued for disallowing approximately $1.87 billion in previously approved project costs.

Walker did testify. At the state hearings, she didn’t back away from her dramatic沉积声明, in which she called SCANA’s former Chief Executive Officer Kevin Marsh a “liar.”

Most notably, she testified that in 2015, while she was on company leave, other SCANA personnel—without her knowledge—wrote testimony in her name and filed it to the PSC. Significantly, that testimony included an estimated cost to complete the project that was significantly lower than the estimate that SCANA’s nuclear finance administration team had calculated.

作为SCANA高管之一,指定向PSC证明V.C的状态。她说,夏季项目 - 作为一名认证的公共会计师,Walker希望提供最佳的估计。她说,问题是SCANA高管不希望她使用估计的成本来完成她和她的员工所计算的。取而代之的是,他们想使用CB&I和Westinghouse联盟所使用的数字,比她想使用的数量低约5亿美元。


In her role, Walker was charged with ensuring that the utility's project expenses were justified by the contract. Here, too, Walker testified that she became frustrated by what she perceived as a lack of support by upper management.



与沃克一起作证的是SCE&G的前工程师肯尼斯·布朗(Kenneth Browne),他参与了该项目的日程安排和工作进度的监督。他也看到建筑联盟早在2012年就开始落后于计划。此外,他还断言SCANA高管未能正确地将PSC告知PSC该项目的状态。布朗在他准备的讲话中指出,当他决定离开公司时,他感到遗憾。

