
Crystal 2.0焊接头盔具有自动阴影控件,以适应焊接电弧的亮度。在以“光”状态运行时,头盔允许具有宽敞可见色谱的31%可见光传输。在工作过程中使用头盔时,它提供了焊接池的高对比度视图。可以调整灵敏度控制和传感器以适合用户,可调节的头带旨在减少佩戴者肩膀和颈部头盔的压力。optrel AG);www.optrel.com


RD-1200XT路线烘干机能够快速干燥沥青或混凝土路面,因此工作人员可以在一次通行证中应用表面处理或条纹。The unit can blow 300° F air directly downward through multiple nozzles without creating debris, allowing it to be used next to active traffic lanes. The unit’s drying width can be adjusted from 8 ft. to 12 ft. as needed and can be used on roads or runways without additional cleanup crews. The RD-1200XT can also be used in road-paving operations to dry the road after a milling machine makes a pass, reducing paving times.路司机;www.roaddryer.com

动臂提升Safety:Safety Feature Made Standard

JLG宣布,Skyguard Skyline Safetly截止截止值现在可以作为其繁荣升降机线的标准功能。The system consists of a wire rope bolted to one side of the platform with a magnetic connection on the other side. If the operator contacts the cable and the magnet detaches, the system automatically halts all boom functions and then reverses the last movements of the boom. This anti-entrapment feature is designed to improve safety when operating the boom in enclosed or crowded spaces where an operator may not be able to reach the controls during an incident.JLG工业;www.jlg.com


The GLS-2000 laser scanner is available in three models for short-, medium- and long-range scanning. The scanner can complete full 360° scans in less than three minutes. It features a “Close High Power” function that allows it to capture details of pipes, HVAC and other highly metallic objects. This ability makes it well suited for high-rise and vertical construction applications, according to the manufacturer. The scanner also has automatic temperature adjustment to maintain proper calibration throughout the work day.TopCon定位系统;www.topconpositioning.co

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