经过两年的社区计划形成设计,什里夫波特(Shreveport)的第一个城市公园正在建设。官员将占地2.4英亩的市区公园描述为什里夫波特普通(Shreveport Common)的锚点,什里夫波特·普通(Shreveport Common)是一个针对长期忽视的九块历史区域的振兴项目。

Boggs & Poole Contracting Group Inc. is the contractor on the project, which broke ground Oct. 17. A $1.2 million grant from Shreveport’s economic development council is funding the park, which will feature walking paths, an art structure with misting station, a food truck court and landscaped flower beds. The city envisions the park hosting concerts, fitness programming and community events.

景观建筑师兼什里夫波特公共议会计划和开发部的助理凯蒂·马丁(Katie Martin)解释说,可持续性是公园设计的关键要素。该项目团队的任务是开发一个可以收集雨水进行灌溉的绿色公园。马丁说:“公园没有浪费径流,而是可以通过在现场保持尽可能多的水来维持自己。”


Trees with permeable pavers will border the park, and the Silva Cell system will allow their roots to spread and last longer than typical street trees do, Martin says. The landscaping will feature native iris and cypress trees to create an ecosystem.

该项目计划需要六个月的天气允许,因此可以在今年夏天开放。Boggs&Poole的项目经理Chris Southworth说,天气尤其令人担忧,尤其是在户外工作以及在不可预测的秋季和冬季进行的工作。索斯沃思说:“我们可能会度过一个非常潮湿,潮湿的冬天,所以这总是一个挑战。”这仅取决于大自然向我们投掷的东西。”


什里夫波特officials say the park is lynchpin in the redevelopment of the surrounding blighted area. Developers have been eyeing the area but have been waiting for the construction of the park before investing in new projects, Martin says.

Shreveport Common执行董事Wendy Benscoter表示,迄今为止,已经在什里夫波特公共区域投资了4500万美元,包括公共和私人修复,基础设施改进和编程。该公园的开创性发展有助于吸引额外的6500万美元的私人开发项目。
