Best Project, Small Project

Key Players
Cade Foundation
Lead Design Firm:GWWO Architects
Construction Manager:Oelrich Construction
Civil Engineer:JBrown Professional Group
Structural Engineer:Thornton Tomasetti
MEP Engineer:亨新利18备用利·亚当斯有限责任公司
Landscape Architect:S&ME公司

对于在佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔(Gainesville)建造Cade Museum的设计和建筑团队,该博物馆的创造力和发明是相对较小但复杂的项目的名称,恰当地反映了成功交付930万美元的合同(创造力和发明)所需要的。从设施的圆柱形圆形大厅到将几何翅膀连接到放置建筑物混凝土板的不寻常的最后一个阶段的阶段,Cade项目适当地要求对其建筑商的富有想象力的批判性思考。

博物馆以佛罗里达大学的肾脏医学教授詹姆斯·罗伯特·凯德(James Robert Cade)的名字命名,更著名地是体育饮料佳得乐(Sports Drink Gatorade)的主要发明者 - 庆祝其两个同名概念。

The Cade’s design was partly influenced by the Fibonacci series, an integer sequence where each number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding numbers—such as 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 …—that maintain a constant ratio to each other. The ratio can occur naturally, as in a nautilus shell’s spiral, for example.

该博物馆的愿景是使其成为“人和思想的动态交集”,“将通过鼓舞未来的发明家,企业家和有远见的人来履行我们的使命,” Cade的执行董事Stephanie Bailes说。25,474平方英尺的博物馆设有互动展览,临时展览空间,动手创造力实验室和工厂实验室,礼品店,户外教育露台和雕塑花园。

The project is the brainchild of Phoebe Miles, the daughter of Dr. Cade and also the museum’s founder, according to all parties interviewed by ENR. Specifically, it was Miles who suggested—after the project team had already been selected—the concept of the Fibonacci sequence as a possible additional design influence, says Alan Reed, principal with GWWO Architects, Baltimore.


With that in mind, Reed says, “A building that grows organically from the middle made sense to us.” GWWO’s design for the Cade emphasized a central space that then branches out, extending with a ratio resulting in a nautilus shell-shaped structure.


佛罗里达州琼斯维尔的Oelrich Construction总裁Ivan Oelrich说,如何建造CADE的圆形结构是第一位首席抓手。

After much brainstorming, “We finally realized that all we needed was a good point in the middle to start pulling everything from,” Oelrich says. On site, contractors guarded that point like “sacred ground” until the building’s structural steel frame was in place. At that point, the project “turned into a normal job,” Oelrich says.

但这工作并不简单。工作in a clockwise manner, crews constructed the structural steel rotunda of 10 vertical columns and several horizontal radius beams.



The building is clad in pressurized 1-in.-thick glazing with inert argon glass. The low-E coating helps reduce UV ray reflection and minimizes the building’s radiant heat gain.


Throughout, exposed structures abound. Again, that was a conscious design choice, says Reed. “Exposing the structure and the connections seems to make sense for this idea of creativity.”

A signature component of the Cade Museum is its skylight oculus ring, which symbolically “opens the space to the universe and all experiences beyond the museum,” states the contractor’s contest entry. Itself a mesmerizing synthesis of design and construction, the lofty structure extols the virtues of necessity, curiosity, serendipity, iteration and imagination. Designed to fit together “like a wedding band,” the component took four weeks of hand welding to develop, says the contractor.


“Hopefully it will never look like a building that was created and then has an addition to it,” Reed says. “It will always look like a complete building. It will grow like your brain grows.”

In the end, says Bailes, the new facility is delivering on the museum’s mission of inspiring future generations. Remarking on her own experience of watching a group of local schoolchildren—a significant percentage of whom grow up in poverty—walk into the museum and gasp at the sight of the oculus ring, Bailes said she heard their sound “resonate” in the space, audible evidence of the facility’s inspirational essence.

Like the children, she says, “This building has really opened my eyes.”
