
A case in point is this year’s Project of the Year, the凯德博物馆的创造力和发明in Gainesville, Fla. After earning a Best Projects award in the small project category, the complex facility went on to beat out other, larger projects for this year’s top prize. The achievement marks the first time that a small project has gone on to claim the Project of the Year prize.

尽管规模相对“小”,但该项目的挑战令人生畏。从该项目的位置在棕地网站上,到博物馆的异常形状和布局,今年的评委们对Oelrich建筑领导的团队如何设法满足Cade Museum提出的要求印象深刻。

除了一年的项目之外,令人印象深刻的建筑和设计成就比比皆是。最令人印象深刻的成就之一是由Kiewit领导的团队实现的Allen Combined-Cycle Plant—a project that’s on the other end of the size scale from Cade. In addition to winning in the energy/industrial category, the project also took home the Excellence in Safety award. The massive project logged more than 2.7 million work-hours without a single lost-time incident—an achievement that is definitely worthy of industry recognition.

新利18备用Enr东南部要对今年的法官表示衷心的感谢,其中包括:杰米·布莱姆(Jamie Breme)与Fluor Corp。惠廷 - 纳特纳的基思·道格拉斯;贝克·格拉斯哥(Baker Glasgow),克兰西(Clancy)建筑;Pam Little,Pond&Co。;Ray Riddle,持有人建筑;和沿海建筑的丹尼尔·怀特曼(Daniel Whiteman)。此外,由安全专家组成的单独小组审查了提名为我们安全奖提名的项目。新利18备用网址这些法官包括Fluor的Jeffrey Ruebesam和Odebrecht的Deborah Hampton。
