
T他的使命Construction CPM Conference是为了提高计划和调度专业人员的知识,为了改善我们用于支持准时施工截止日期的独特需求的工具。

A recurring theme of my ENR blog posts and commentary has been that many software products currently used and often mandated do not support the goal, but rather support “best productivity” of individual tasks over the group effort of on-time completion.


We are happy to report we have encouraged another software developer to add back the original algorithm of 1956 supporting fastest completion. In the 1980s this was supplanted by another algorithm designed for perhaps lower cost at the price of earliest completion. To put it in perspective, the choice of the interruptible versus continuous algorithm on one of my current projects targeting completion in under two years means a savings of nine weeks. On another very urgent project with a ten-month deadline, the choice of algorithm saved five weeks.

What are these two algorithms? The original 1956 “interruptible” algorithm called for calculation of early start to be equal to latest of early finishes of all predecessors:

ES = latest EF(preds)

在所有情况下都应遵循此方程。但是,如果通过这种或其他前身活动的终结到限制活动可以将活动的完成超过EF = ES +持续时间,则可能导致受试者活动的生产率降低。毕竟,要启动,做一些工作,然后停下来让另一个活动赶上,然后重新开始完成,应该比连续工作更为昂贵。但是,如果需要第二个活动的开始才能启动第三项活动,则可以延迟整个项目。请参见下图。

The 1980s “continuous” algorithm avoids the cost of start-stop-restart by deferring the early start of the activity until work can proceed without interruption. Here we preliminarily calculate the early start from preceding early finishes, then after calculation of the early finish of this activity (perhaps driven by that other FF restraint) recalculate the start by subtracting the duration:

ES =最新EF的后者(Preds)。或。EF - 持续时间

所有这些都已在我的博客文章和评论中进行了讨论。例如我们的2014年7月3日发布吹捧了可中断算法的重新引入作为选项Phoenix Project Manager。And now蜘蛛项目团队软件还重新引入了可中断的(或在其术语“可调”)算法中。

同样安静地支持“可中断”的是Deltek开放计划(作为“不连续”)和Elecosoft Asta Powerproject。它是可用的,但你必须知道问。While Primavera’s legacy P3 and current PRA (formerly named Pertmaster) support both options, Oracle’s flagship P6 does not, which has been a serious complaint since deployment in the 1990s.


我们的下一个会议是2019年1月20日至23日在圣地亚哥举行。也许您可以加入我们。去Construction CPM Conference-