
全国房屋建筑商协会税务和贸易政策分析协会主任戴维·洛根(David Logan)说:“我们的建筑商和房主在这样的活动中的经验几乎一直是价格上涨,但在非常本地化的地区。”。


这是中国500亿美元的关税goods that went into effect in August. In 2017, U.S. companies imported $1.14 billion in plywood from China, or 41.6% of all plywood imports that year, according to data from the Commerce Dept. Through July, imports from China have been down 14.5% from the same period last year. Commerce data also shows that Canadian lumber imports have consistently been the largest foreign supplier in the U.S. softwood lumber market, accounting for about 28% of U.S. sales per year over the past decade.



The Commerce Dept. and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative did not have any comment on the situation, but Trump reiterated Sept. 26 that his administration is committed to the tariffs and what Trump has characterized as the righting trade imbalances with NAFTA partners such as Canada and trade rivals such as China. Lumber is not part of NAFTA.

Trump said he rejected a meeting about NAFTA with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau because Trudeau was unwilling to budge in negotiations over revisions to NAFTA.

"Because his tariffs are too high and he doesn't seem to want to move and I've told him forget about it," Trump said Sept. 26 in a wide-ranging press conference.

NAHB has talked with 171 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 16 senators from both parties who signed a letter calling on Commerce and the U.S. Trade Representative to negotiate a new Canadian softwood timber agreement, but NAHB doesn't expect much movement until after the midterm elections.

"There hasn’t been any movement over the last few months," NAHB's Logan said. "It looks like it’ll be a protracted ordeal which is what has happened in prior episode where it took three or five years to hammer something out (to agree to a new softwood timber deal). We’re in the unfortunate position this go around of having the administration trying to renegotiate NAFTA and they will not reopen negotiations on this issue until NAFTA is hammered out."