Goethals Bridge替换项目
纽约City and Elizabeth, N.J.
Best Project, Highway/Bridge and Excellence In Safety

Key Players
Lead Design Firm, Civil/Structural/MEP Engineer:帕森斯
总承包人:Kiewit-Weeks-Massman AJV

连接纽约和新泽西州的新的15亿美元的Goethals Bridge的项目团队有漫长的限制清单:对塔高度,冗余和弹性标准的限制,资金挑战,交通流量,交通流量需求,未来大众运输能力的设计 -甚至在亚瑟(Arthur)杀死潮汐中的比目鱼交配(The Arthur kill Tidal Straight)中,甚至是工作时间安排。

为了满足他们,公私的合作伙伴关系和设计建造合资企业负责监督双跨缆车式桥梁违约,该桥梁违约为一致的管理方法:它涉及的“工作队环境”是什么,使主要团队参与者串通了大小问题。在这里,承包商和设计师权衡了何时获得许可证以及如何采购材料并绘制900英尺主跨度及其方法的时间表,帕森斯国家桥梁实践副总裁兼国家桥梁实践负责人汤姆·斯波斯(Tom Spoth)说。设计公司。

“What that means is everybody comes together. In this job, [during] most of the design phase, it was weekly,” he says. “The site hadn’t even been turned over to us yet, and we were already well into our task force environment.” Those meetings included the owner, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and its private developer, NYNJ Link—the agency’s first use of a P3 arrangement. Led by Macquarie Group and Kiewit Development Co., the P3 team won the concessionaire contract in 2014. It also included Parsons and the construction joint venture of Kiewit Infrastructure, Weeks Marine and Massman Construction.

That coordination made major decisions easier to manage and smoother to plan—such as the dive into foundation, steel procurement, steel fabrication and precast concrete bid packages weeks before getting the full notice to proceed—says Seth Condell, Parsons’ regional bridge practice head.

“You don’t get that type of flexibility in a traditional design,” he says. “The task force design was a huge plus on this project.”

The process paid off, with the Goethals Bridge Replacement winning not only an ENR New York Best Projects award in the highway/bridge category and the Excellence in Safety award, but also being chosen unanimously by judges as ENR New York’s Project of the Year for 2018.

A prime example of the model’s effectiveness emerged one day when the contractor presented an unpleasant surprise: Foundation work for the eastbound span’s tower, which was first up, hit an unexpected hazardous material obstacle with asbestos found in a warehouse set to be demolished on the New Jersey shoreline, Condell says. To not lose time during mitigation, the contractor said it could instead start work on the westbound bridge’s main tower if the design team sped up delivery of those plans, he says.

“That was a big change in priorities, but because of the trust of the partners and the flexibility of the task force environment, we were able to do that,” Condell says.

工作队的方法还需要每周对设计概念的评论,这些概念纳入了各方的投入,这些概念在施工期间转化为该领域的冲突和挑战的快速解决方案。It also supported what Spoth calls a “high motivation for quality” from the developer’s perspective—given that it has a long-term contract to operate and maintain the bridge—by including its preferences in the designs, from concrete mixes and corrosion protection to service life analysis.



Long Run

The 1928 Goethals Bridge carrying Interstate 278 over the Arthur Kill between Staten Island and Elizabeth, N.J., was on its last legs, bearing huge traffic loads, including heavy trucks, on four 10-ft-wide lanes. The Port Authority first began planning a new bridge in the early 2000s, and after a lengthy environmental review, decided to take a huge step to move the project forward in 2010 by seeking private partners, says Jim Blackmore, program manager at the agency.

“One of the things I was most proud of in the early stages of the project was simply asking the industry to come in and tell us … what might be best practices or [any other] advice on how to best structure a P3 for this particular project,” he says. “And we actually got responses from 12 teams.”

布莱克莫尔说,一旦选择了合资企业,它必须等待几个月才能在亚瑟·尔斯特(Arthur Kill)的水道上进行工作,因为在冬季比目鱼交配季节禁止建筑活动。团队将该限制纳入其计划。

但是,成员们还必须回答许多其他利益相关者 - 超过100个“他们的利益从未完全保持一致,”布莱克莫尔说。他们包括两个州和两个城市运输机构;货运铁路公司Conrail,该公司在结构下有一条主要线路;新泽西收费公路机构;环境,经济发展和其他机构;城市领导人;以及主要的公用事业和汽油管线运营商。

In one instance, stakeholders took opposite sides on the bridge’s height, with a private maritime firm pushing for a higher clearance to allow larger ships to pass through, but state agencies arguing that such a change—which would have required reconstruction of a railroad bridge and redesigned links to highways on both sides—added too much cost. The project team presented the options, with owners deciding to leave the lower height design in place.


Spoth说,该项目的最大限制是塔楼的272英尺高度限制以及它们向外倾斜的要求 - 赋予其最明显的功能。这些限制源于各种需求 - 纽瓦克机场附近的飞行模式,安全性和弹性需求,甚至是为了防止电缆上的冰掉落到跨度上的努力 - 但导致了创新的解决方案。



“We came up with a very innovative anchor box system that actually embeds itself into the wall of the tower,” Spoth says. “It has an awful lot of reserve capacity and a lot of redundancy, and we were able to push the cables up higher toward the top.”

One extra challenge was hesitation by the steel fabricators, who had never seen such a design and thought it couldn’t be built, Spoth says. It took some extra 3D models and a walk-through for their representatives to crystallize plans, he adds.



A key challenge was off the spans, where the roadway spills into “a pretty elaborate interchange” with the New Jersey Turnpike and other major local roadways, which Blackmore terms “a big plate of spaghetti on the Jersey side.” He says, “You had to bring a bridge in and tie it to that same infrastructure point,” while keeping the existing bridge operating. “The design-build team came up with an incremental way of doing that.”


Project organization also made it easier on local officials, says Elizabeth Mayor Christian Bollwage. Despite bumps along the way, he says the final result, and a planned $300-million connector road that will link to Route 1 and Route 9, is a big benefit to the city. “That was the great strength of the overall project, a lot of coordination with the city,” he says.

伊丽莎白公共工程总监约翰·帕皮蒂(John Papetti)说:“当您认为这是连接两个州和两个城市的十亿美元以上的努力时,它的问题相对较少。”

The job also had a positive safety record, with an OSHA recordable incident rate of 2.11 and a lost-time accident rate of 0.44, stemming in part from an extensive program that included everything from daily stretch and flex programs to regular “shutdowns” during which managers delivered focused messages and recognized team members who promoted site safety. “The idea of ‘bringing together’ shows true involvement with the workers,” one ENR safety judge said.


“I wonder now what that might look like in the future with smart cities and automated vehicles cruising along that corridor someday that we never envisioned 10 years ago,” he says. “I don’t think anybody was thinking along those lines. The versatility that was built into the structure and the facility as a whole—it’s kind of the beauty in there.”

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