Keith Wayne has experienced all sides of the construction market cycle in the 33 years since he and his brother, Eric, formed their namesake concrete and civil contracting business in Davidson, N.C. So, for him to call the Southeast region’s current sustained surge “the best” he’s seen is saying something.


最后的评论说明了韦恩兄弟公司(Wayne Brothers Inc.)从当前的强劲市场中受益多少,以及作为ENR东南部年度专业承包商选择的因素。新利18备用在今年的排名中,这家450家公司的2017年东南地区收入总计约9670万美元,比去年调查中报道的8338万美元增长了约16%。最近的主要项目包括为新南卡新利18备用网址罗来纳州查尔斯顿附近的新梅赛德斯·贝尼斯·范(Mercedes Benz)制造工厂完成价值1700万美元的基础工作。

WBI网站和基础设施开发服务的迅速扩展既提高了公司的底线及其人事数量,大约有100名员工致力于这些项目。新利18备用网址今年早些时候,WBI完成了对Intespec Inc.的收购,该公司提供设备安装服务,例如索具和设置,关联的流程管道安装以及系统设计和布局。


As with most every other specialty contractor, Wayne Brothers is capitalizing on the success of its clients, which Keith Wayne says is limited to a select group of national and regional general contractors. While most of the firm’s work is based in the Carolinas, WBI has over the years gradually expanded its footprint to neighboring states as clients have followed industrial growth into those areas.

但是,不仅仅是在正确的时间认识合适的人的问题。韦恩·兄弟(Wayne Brothers)对BIM和其他技术的拥抱使该公司在处理重型工业基础和复杂的模板方面具有优势,这需要特殊的强化。

Proftruction副总裁Bobby Phillips说,通过将其所有BIM技术资源融入国内,韦恩兄弟可以将工作完全建模而无需现场决策或修订。

“General contractors build off of our model,” says Phillips, who joined the company in 1986. “You don’t get the disconnect that often occurs when the concrete sub leaves because (its) part of the job is done.”

技术还可以帮助韦恩兄弟(Wayne Brothers)遵守客户的加速时间表,这些日程安排已经变得司空见惯。韦恩(Wayne)列举了格雷建筑公司最近在南卡罗来纳州纽伯里县(Newberry County)对一家前毛毛虫(Caterpillar)工厂进行了翻新,以三星的3.8亿澳元制造工厂为例。


格雷南大西洋地区副总裁布雷特·古德(Brett Goode)说:“他们是出色的计划者。”“当他们进入现场时,他们会通过领导和计划来推动日程安排。他们的民事部门在挖掘深刻的基础时为他们提供了更大的灵活性。”

Along with helping solve clients’ problems, technology helps Wayne Brothers compete for the coveted pool of new, younger workers.


Being able to deliver these and other benefits typically carries a premium that Phillips says most clients are willing to accept. Approximately three-quarters of the firm’s work involves a negotiated price.

“As long as they’re willing to negotiate, we can deliver anything,” he says, adding that a higher price brings higher expectations, “and we have to continually work hard to meet them.”

这包括寻找满足苛刻要求的方法。该公司劳动力改善副总裁约翰·阿什沃思(John Ashworth)回忆起一个涉及大型印刷机械的项目,该项目需要4英尺厚的基础和高地面耐受性。

“It was unlikely we could accomplish both with a single pour,” he says. “We went back to the project engineer and proposed a horizontal break—pouring the foundation to a certain level, then adding a cap that met the tolerance requirement.”

Not only did Wayne Brothers’ suggestion work, it paid off with a follow-up assignment a year later when a facility expansion included adding a new line of equipment with the same foundation requirements.

“他们雇了我们的工作,我们做了that foundation the same way,” Ashworth says.


与韦恩兄弟(Wayne Brothers)的项目活动一样,该公司为其安全文化感到自豪,这在过去11年中一直是重点。该公司从招聘过程开始就强调安全合规性,并要求所有员工完成10或30小时的OSHA培训。该公司安全总监Jason Sisk表示,Wayne Brothers的EMR为0.67,OSHA可记录率远低于行业平均水平。



“Now we meet regularly to review what we’re doing and stay alert for new ideas or potential problems,” Sisk says.

That includes augmenting supervisors’ daily pre-task planning session with employees to include an additional session after lunch, and as needed, such as when a crane arrives on site or a thunderstorm arises. Where possible, safety is being factored into each project’s BIM model.


- 韦恩兄弟公司(Wayne Brothers Inc.)总裁Keith Wayne。


“We were disappointed that we couldn’t make it to 1 million hours,” Sisk says. “But the important thing is that the employee is recovering, and we’re aiming to go on another streak.”





Ashworth adds that “a challenge within the challenge” of workforce training is that, unlike previous generations, many new workers didn’t receive the childhood exposure to working outdoors or performing relatively routine construction-related tasks.


以行业为重点的教育和培训也是WBI另一代世代过渡的基础。埃里克·韦恩(Eric Wayne)于2004年退休,尽管基思·韦恩(Keith Wayne)没有立即退休计划,但他的儿子以赛亚(Isaiah)和丹尼尔(Daniel)现在是该公司的合作伙伴。

“We’re grooming the next generation to take on greater roles as they transition into leadership roles over the next decade or so,” Keith Wayne says, adding that he expects WBI to stay close to its current concrete-based specialty.

