新泽西将在8月15日签署两党法案的州长Phil Murphy(D),将允许投资到大学和大学以外的基础设施,如果一个项目包括至少1000万美元的费用,则新泽西州将促进公私合作伙伴关系的使用,菲尔·墨菲(D)将签署两党法案。在公共资金中。

Projects will be managed by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.

巴尔的摩’s city council, on the other hand, voted unanimously on Aug. 6 to add to its November ballot a measure that would make the city the first in the U.S. to amend its charter to preserve public ownership and control over its water and sewer systems, and the largest to ban any facility sale or lease.

安理会主席伯纳德·杨(Bernard C. Young)说,他“完全反对巴尔的摩供水系统的私有化”。
