
More than 200 firefighters and specialist rescue teams struggled through huge amounts of debris left by a collapsed 90-meter-tall A-frame pylon and around 100 m of decks on either side.

根据高架桥的操作员每位L'Italia S.P.A.


由Condotte d'Acceara S.P.A.由SocietàItaliana建造,大约1.1公里长的Polcevera Polcevera Pinduct在一群铁轨,一条河,高速公路和建筑物上沿着繁忙的A10 East-West高速公路沿着四个缆车跨越四个缆车的建筑物(每个缆车) - 每个缆车 - 每个略大于200 m。西方对塔的塔已经通过崩溃而变成瓦砾,这发生在剧烈雷暴期间。

设计ed byRiccardo Morandi, who died in 1989, the main decks cantilever from the pylons with each end supported by two concrete-encased clusters of cables from each tower top.

简单地支撑的一组光束关闭了持续的跨度。该设计复制了莫兰迪(Morandi)长8公里的某些功能General Rafael Urdaneta Bridgeon Venezuela's Maracaibo Lake, completed a few years earlier.