As congressional appropriators make more headway in producing spending measures for fiscal year 2019, construction industry officials see encouraging numbers so far for key infrastructure accounts, including highways and water programs. Some important accounts are benefiting from the 2019 installment of a $20-billion infrastructure infusion that congressional leaders in February agreed to provide over the 2018-19 period.





美国高速公路和运输部相关总承包商高级总监布莱恩·德里(Brian Deery)表示,当添加的DOT基础设施“启动器”与快速ACT基金相结合时,“这是一笔大笔资金。这是所有程序类别中的。”

The Senate bill has $300-million hikes for EPA wastewater-treatment and drinking-water infrastructure revolving funds, keeping them about even with 2018. “That is realistically what we were hoping for,” says Kristina Surfus, National Association of Clean Water Agencies’ director of legislative affairs.


Looking further ahead, another $10-billion overall infrastructure bonus isn’t guaranteed for 2020. But industry officials point to lawmakers’ remarks referring to the added 2018 dollars as a “down payment” for infrastructure. Surfus says that, at least for water accounts, “We certainly hope that infusion of infrastructure program investment is going to become a new baseline.”

For DOT programs, Deery says, “Certainly we’re going to be pushing to keep the levels up in 2020.” But he adds, “When you talk about money, it’s never a sure deal.”