Over the last three to four years, Webber LLC has rapidly grown its presence in the Texas marketplace, continuing to be one of the dominant players in transportation construction across the state. And in the last year, the firm tested markets in neighboring states.


Construction in the region is booming, particularly in Texas, explains Jose Carlos Esteban, interim CEO of Webber.





“首先,我们从一开始就在每个项目上安装一个坚实的团队。其次,我们开始强大,利用丰富的资源来提前提前计划。” Esteban说。“第三,当他们能够安全地满足这些既定的里程碑时,我们将该项目分解为内部里程碑,并激励我们的团队。”

Another strategy for the firm over the past year and a half has been expanding beyond the heavy civil market.


同样在2017年,韦伯完成了韦伯在2016年中期收购的Pepperlawson Construction的集成和品牌重塑。这项交易带来了该公司的两个最新市场领域,即水工厂和商业建筑。


Atul Raj initiated the PepperLawson acquisition because he saw potential for growth in the water sector. Raj led PepperLawson Construction into doing water projects in 1993 and later became co-owner of PepperLawson Waterworks, now PLW Waterworks. He currently serves as president of PLW.


Raj解释说,PLW正在研究Pearlaint Reflection Bay水回设施,这是Pearland历史上最大的项目。当年底完成后,该设施将为南休斯顿社区提供接下来七到十年的治疗能力。

“It represents a bit of a change for us, in that large projects like this typically work for major cities, Houston, Dallas, etc., and now we’re seeing more projects of this size for suburban communities,” Raj says.

同时,Pepperlawson的商业部门发展成为由托德·格拉纳托(Todd Granato)总统领导的韦伯广告。他说:“在2017年至2018年,我们平均每年增长约25%至30%,因此市场非常好。”Granato自2014年以来以前担任Pepperlawson总裁。

Webber Commercial has continued to grow in the K-12 and multifamily sectors and is in the process of doing preconstruction on some hotels, industrial and health care projects. “Those projects are in the preconstruction phase and will not start until 2019,” he adds.

韦伯广告正在超越K-12市场。其具有里程碑意义的项目之一是休斯顿市区的新利18备用网址一座28层,361个单位的豪华公寓楼的Catalyst Houston,于2017年底完成。韦伯商业团队已经在休斯顿市中心的一些机会进行了预先建设。格拉纳托补充说,另一个塔项目可能会在接下来的六到九个月内开始。

“Webber was a heavy civil company, and so of course, acquiring a water division and a commercial division was a little bit different, but they’ve kind of opened up their arms and have provided us all the support we need to continue operating our business lines without changing drastically,” Granato says.



在2018年的前五个月中,韦伯的工作人员在该地区工作了167万小时。2017年,韦伯的团队总共工作了422万人小时,而2016年的340万人则为。在过去的四年中,该公司的EMR尚未超过0.6。韦伯获得了一系列安全奖,包括2016年ARTBA大型承包商安全奖,连续四年的国家AGC安全奖和AGC Arkansas的2018年AGC Arkansas安全卓越奖。



The new middle school will open this month—nearly two months late, in part because of significant weather delays. Still, the Webber Commercial team is on track to complete the work on time, says Theo Rouse, coordinator of construction for CSISD, who has worked with the Webber Commercial team for the past four years.

“韦伯告诉你真相。如果他们遇到问题或问题,他们会尽早提出他们,从而使时间正确解决。” Rouse说。“今天有很多承包商想对问题进行加糖,直到有时为时已晚,最终使您花费时间和金钱。这些人知道他们在做什么,并且在项目上表现良好。”新利18备用网址

Highway Work

Webber在2017年打破了三个最大的项新利18备用网址目,其中包括281和I-45的Grand Parkway,这代表了11.66亿美元的总项目价值。

TXDOT休斯顿地区工程师昆西·艾伦(Quincy Allen)表示:“韦伯(Webber)与德克萨斯州运输部(TXDOT)合作已有30多年的历史,并成功地处理了休斯顿最具挑战性的项目。”新利18备用网址“它们是积极主动的,经常提出有关建筑问题的创新思想和解决方案。”


The firm’s first foray into Oklahoma, the US 77 bridge project, removes a two-lane bridge built in 1933 and builds a four-lane bridge in Purcell, McClain County, on US 77.



同时,韦伯的第一个阿肯色州项目在杰斐逊县的派恩布拉夫(Pine Bluff)重建了10.35英里的I-530。这项耗资6700万美元的项目拆除了现有的混凝土道路,并取代了329,550平方英尺的12英寸。波特兰混凝土。

韦伯总裁兼首席执行官蒂姆·克雷森(Tim Creson)说:“这是一个复杂的项目,有很多阶段问题。”


Recovery Efforts


Employees donated both time and money to help one another, and the company double-matched those funds, reaching nearly $100,000 in direct contributions. Volunteer work included assistance through AGC of Texas for TxDOT employees affected by the storm. Webber also contributed $750,000 in payroll to employees who could not work during the hurricane.


The firm also played a major role post-Harvey in helping repair roadways across the city. Immediately after the flooding receded, Webber reset nearly 7,500 linear ft of concrete traffic barriers that had shifted from the floodwaters and replaced another 1,500 linear ft that were unsalvageable.

Webber also led a $7.5-million emergency repair project on a section of Interstate 69, just south of Kingwood, Texas, for TxDOT. Floodwaters shifted the depth and alignment of the San Jacinto River, causing scouring and stability problems around the foundations of the southbound bridge.

In just 76 days—14 days ahead of schedule—the Webber team removed and rebuilt three bents and four spans of the southbound I-69 main lanes over the San Jacinto River.

New Leadership



“Tim put the spark back into the company that ignited our growth, and it is now up to the leadership team to take Webber to that next level of success,” Esteban says.


“The plan is for Webber to basically be more of a self-performing contractor in that area, in order to do design-build in the $300-million-and-down range, and support our sister company Ferrovial Agroman US,” Creson says.

Webber also has expanded its Central Texas office this year. “The game plan for central Texas, we’ll open an office in 2018, pick up work in 2019, and expand into North Texas here in the next year,” Granato says.