City Grill

Wes PalmisanoWes Palmisano
President and CEO

“New Orleans remains an exciting place to work in the construction industry,” says Palmisano.

Both the tourism and entertainment industries are providing opportunities for local contractors, Palmisano notes. These opportunities are translating into projects in the commercial sector throughout the greater New Orleans area.

“我们希望ful that the infrastructure improvements scheduled for streets and utilities stemming from a FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] settlement from Hurricane Katrina keeps us busy in the civil market,” Palmisano adds.

The next two years look good for the New Orleans construction business, but Palmisano notes that he remains cautious about potential changes in the economy moving toward 2020 and beyond.

“We are excited about the continued trend towards the design-build delivery method for all types and sizes of projects, as this delivery method makes up approximately 90% of Palmisano’s work,” he adds.