Autodesk已收购了Cousemble Systems,这是一个SaaS平台,用于投资具有可搜索,可过滤和可共享数据的构建信息模型,以支持估计,招标,日程安排,项目管理和财务。它将BIM用作数据的容器和图形导航器。

股票和现金交易的条款尚未透露,但是组成的55名员工和管理团队将继续保持下去,确认Autodesk建筑业务线高级总监Sarah Hodges。该交易于7月3日结束。

Autodesk在10个月前筹集了一场1200万美元的A系列资金,以建立战略合作伙伴关系,并在其BIM 360项目管理平台中加强了Couselede收集的数据与Autodesk的设计产品的集成。首席执行官唐·亨利希(Don Henrich)说,在此后的几个月中,Coussemble利用收益扩大其数据集成覆盖范围和功能,增加其用户群和参与度,并将收入增加100%以上。新利18备用随着初创公司在5月开始为2000万美元至2500万美元的B系列B轮推出Feelers,因此购买的要约汇总在一起。

Autodesk's software developers have been working with Assemble's team for several years in the Autodesk Developer Network, Hodges says. That work has focused on connecting Assemble's functionality with the authoring data from design tools such as Autodesk Revit "to make sure that information carries downstream through the execution of the project, which is where BIM 360 and some of our other recent investments fit in," she says.

去年,Autodesk的其他产品也支持了与BIM 360开发和改善集成的战略投资,包括3DR,真人秀捕获,无人机到数据平台,用于创建详细且准确的正骨,点云和3D网格;Project Frog,其开发人员正在与Autodesk Cloud Technology合作,以创建工具和工作流程,以支持工业化的建筑和建筑制造;ESUB,基于云的现场数据收集,移动项目管理和设计文档交付平台,用于分包商;,一种用于搜索,标记和分析施工视频和照片的机器学习技术,以发现风险和缺陷并提高安全性,生产力和质量;以及SaaS,移动和网络平台制造商,可帮助建筑公司计划,跟踪和管理预制和常规材料处理。


With the Series A investment last November, Autodesk took a similar strategic partnership approach to improve Assemble data's integration into the BIM 360 environment, but now, with the acquisition, Hodges says, "our decision to move from investment to acquisition is to make that connection integration even stronger. We see it as a piece of the puzzle that helps us connect into the preconstruction phase and carry the data downstream."

"The preconstruction phase of a project is really important and critical," says Hodges. "It's where the most decisions are made and where most of the data is created. And there is really good alignment with Autodesk in where Assemble is implemented today—particularly among the ENR Top 400—many of which are customers of ours as well. The Assemble team has a great deal of knowledge of the space."



"We got to know the Autodesk people during the Series A work and they got to know us; their investment gives them an inside seat, [and] they were a great investor in that they were not heavy handed in any way."

从那个“内部座位”中,Autodesk团队有机会见证了该系列A资金在开发中的新数据连接能力的发展,该功能在Mark Klusza的领导下,首席创新官兼研究副总裁兼研究副总裁,Development于2016年2月加入了该公司。他说,客户正在使用这些新功能运行,并一直在扩展其对汇集的使用远远超出其原始的起飞和估算最佳选择,现在将这些数据绑在BIM中以及赚取价值跟踪的时间表和性能。




亨利克先生补新利18备用充道,“在拖车的人for one to two years. We kept focusing on that group, to sort and filter and send them the data they need."




"It's a great strategic fit," says Henrich. "You really need the design data to support the process, [and] now having Autodesk as the partner allows us to have that common data environment with BIM as a navigation library and graphical context for the data, and we get access to more authoring data as Autodesk owns more authoring systems. We make our data available to all of the Autodesk applications that would benefit from it, and we get strong support of those connections."
