







How could that be?



There's more. The roof had to come off and be replaced. There were structural steel lintels over the top of 50 windows that were incorrect or in need of repair. All of the precast windowsills and copings on the building were out of specification.

This is not the end of the story. The fire company used all the funds it had, along with the building funds raised over years, for the construction of the new firehouse. It is now struggling to make the mortgage payments on the millions they borrowed and there is no money available to make any of the $1.5 million in repairs needed an occupancy permit. It will be years until this comes to trial, but that is contingent on whether or not the fire company can continue to pay their lawyers.

Role of Surety Misunderstood

You may ask where the surety was in all this. Apparently none of the parties to the contract understood there was a bond or what it was for. There is now some question as to whether a claim can still be made under the surety bond's notice provisions. The bond would not likely have prevented the nightmare, so if it pays for the consequences, does that mean the nightmare never happened? Does it mean that design-bid-build does work?


Sophisticated buyers of construction services don't use the design-bid-build process to select contractors because it simply does not work. The old joke that the bidder that makes the most mistakes gets the job no longer is amusing because it is way too close to the truth. The low-bid process doesn't work. Notice that I do not blame the low bidder, who performed as he always had. A sophisticated buyer of construction services would say the contractor performed in a predictable manner. If an appropriate best-value contractor selection had been conducted, the contractor's consistently poor performance history would have been discovered and the contractor would have been screened out.
