Robert “Bob” L. Mendenhall, an asphalt recycling pioneer and founder of Nevada paving contracting giant Las Vegas Paving Corp., died on June 2 of cardiac arrest at age 90.

公司总裁杰伊·史密斯(Jay N. Smith)说,他仍然担任首席执行官,一直在工作10小时,直到他去世前两周。他说:“鲍勃仍然非常从事这项业务。”

“Robert Mendenhall is a southern Nevada icon, serving as construction industry magnate and leader, advocate and mentor for over six decades,” says Nevada Dept. of Transportation spokesman Tony Illia. “Las Vegas Paving is one of the department’s largest contractors, successfully completing several large, technically complex and prominent projects. Under him, the company became known for consistent high-quality work with an eye toward efficiency and innovation.”


该公司在拉斯维加斯北部15号州际公路北25180万美元,5.8英里扩大的设计建设(该州的首个国家),这导致了2010年1月的7.5个月提早完成,没有事故或索赔。该项目的成功促使使用设计建筑,以24650万美元的I-15 South扩大了2.465亿美元,在2012年中也由拉斯维加斯铺路完成。一部分工作使用了超过100万磅的回收轮胎,使得更流畅,嘈杂的驾驶表面更少。

其他值得注意的公司项目包括1.5英里长的拉斯维加斯新利18备用网址赛车场,亨德森(Henderson)的320英亩人造湖拉斯维加斯湖(Lak Las Vegas),以及内华达州博尔德市(Bolder City)的11.25亿美元,12.5英里长的州际公路。,今年晚些时候完成。







Las Vegas Paving pursues public and private work across eight divisions, including paving, earthwork, trucking, materials, underground, environmental, traffic control and concrete. During the peak of the region's building boom, in 2006, the contractor's asphalt production climbed to 2 million tons with 10 million tons of aggregate production.

新利18备用ENR西南named Las Vegas Paving Contractor of the Year in 2016.

Mendenhall served as president of the Southern Nevada General Contracto’s Association and Associated General Contractors, Las Vegas chapter. He additionally spent 10 years on the gubernatorial appointed Nevada State Contractors Board.

Among many awards, he was named to the the Nevada Inventor’s Hall of Fame in 1984 and the University of Nevada-Las Vegas Business Hall of Fame in 2015.Click here用于视频推荐。

2006年,大学开设了Mendenhall创新和设计实验室,以促进技术和工程。他还为UNLV Runnin的Rebels篮球队(名为Mendenhall Center)建立了一个1170万美元,38,000平方英尺的练习设施,该中心于2012年开业。

UNLV Howard R. Hughes工程学院Dean Rama Venkat在电子邮件声明中说:“他是该学院的伟大支持者。”“我们会非常想念他,但是他的遗产,创新,企业家精神和慈善事业将继续。”