Getting a full 3D visualization of a construction site is a trick that a few off-the-shelf tools can offer, but what you do next with that data is the real challenge. That’s the focus now of the reality-capture camera manufacturer Matterport, which is broadening the ways its 3D captures can be delivered for design tools, virtual reality and, eventually, full augmented reality viewing.

该公司AEC服务总监John Chwalibog说:“ Matterport有一个技术差距正在填补。”MatterPort的Pro2摄像头可以进行完整的图像捕获,然后使用一个按钮按下,将其发送到云中,软件将扫描转换为3D型号。

扩大模型如何可视化是一个区域Matterport正在探索。它的3D型号可以导出到GearVR和Google Cardboard虚拟现实观看平台,这是当前功能将继续免费提供。

Matterport战略合作伙伴关系副总裁Bob Shakib说,但是VR观看只是朝着创建增强现实工具的目标的一步。He says having the 3D model already built is “very convenient” for authoring AR content because, unlike other AR creation systems that have an AR rendering engine but have to begin the AR creation process by mapping out the space, Matterport’s starting point is a fully photographed 3D model.


Matterportalso recently entered into a partnership with Leica Geosystems that brings 3D point clouds generated by Leica’s BLK laser scanner into Matterport’s 3D models. Chwalibog says the Leica BLK scanner offers “a stark difference” from the Pro2 in what it can capture on site. “The BLK works well outdoors, has LIDAR, and can capture those huge spaces our camera can’t,” Chwalibog says. The partnership was partially driven by customers who wanted to bring point cloud data from their existing scanners into Matterport’s 3D models, he says.