Over the last four years, Hargrove & Associates Inc. has expanded throughout the region. The Alabama-based contractor has opened four full-service offices in Louisiana and Texas alone. New locations include Lake Charles, La., in 2018; Angleton, Texas, in 2017; Port Arthur, Texas, in early 2016; and Houston in 2014.

Since its founding in 1995 in Mobile, Hargrove’s strategy has been client driven; each of the new office launches was determined by existing clients—most of them in the industrial process, petroleum and power sectors—who asked Hargrove to bring its services to their area.

总裁兼首席执行官Ralph A. Hargrove说:“我们评估客户的发展和扩展领域,并始终采取措施与他们一起成长,与他们的步伐相匹配,并提供适应性的地面支持。”“这些牢固的客户关系是我们成功的基础,并且一直是决策的推动力。”

总部位于哈格罗夫(Hargrove)的德克萨斯州博蒙特(Beaumont)和查尔斯湖(Lake Charles)办公室的部门负责人和项目总监Shannon Cloud表示,该公司在2017年收入比2017年的5300万美元增长超过了Hargrove的业务期望。


云说:“ Hargrove的所有增长(1800多个队友和成长)都是有机的。”

“Clients are going to the firms they have an established relationship with and who have historically provided a quality product at a fair market price,” says George Baquet, senior project manager in Hargrove’s Baton Rouge office.



在过去的12年中,Hargrove and Performance Contractors Inc.在主要和亚咨询角色的一系列EPC项目中合作,从小型股改建项目到大型基层设施。新利18备用网址

Performance Contractors副总裁Willie Lefever说:“ Hargrove团队很灵活,并且始终专注于该项目的特定需求,并最终满足客户的需求。”“ Hargrove在我们的行业中享有很高的声誉。这是他们快速增长的最佳表明,包括他们扩大的客户群,对资源的有效利用以及其在这些客户设施附近的美国地理存在。”


In the Louisiana and Texas region, Hargrove’s industrial process clients are becoming more and more interested in the firm’s engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) and engineering, procurement, construction and management (EPCM) capabilities. Hargrove’s full-service controls and automation system integration and commissioning and startup services also have been a strong differentiator for the firm.

该公司提供基于站点的团队在客户设施中工作,这是从拉尔夫·哈格罗夫(Ralph Hargrove)开始的,拉尔夫·哈格罗夫(Ralph Hargrove)领导了小型资本项目工程团队,并专门在现场工作,直到他创立了自己的公司。


Hargrove休斯顿办公室项目总监John McGarigal指出:“客户正在寻找一种经济的方法来完成其工程项目。”新利18备用网址“话虽这么说,哈格罗夫正在实施更多高价值的工程组件,以在紧张的市场中保持竞争优势。”


Hargrove目前正在管理现场项目工程和执行团队,用于Shell Oil Products US,处理设计,起草和工程需求,从前端开发到详细设计。新利18备用网址

“我喜欢与Hargrove team. They pay attention to the details and they care about their people,” says Tammie Forbes, manager of capital projects at Shell. “They manage the uncertainty of our project workload and effectively respond to our request for resources.”


“Not only has the number of projects increased but so has the size of projects. Our clients are not only trusting us with the $30-million projects, we’re now executing $300-million projects,” Baquet says. “Our base has always been small capital projects—under $100 million total installed costs—which we’ve maintained, while we’ve grown our capabilities for larger capital projects.”

Syngenta作物保护的资本工程经理Ted Springett指出,Hargrove在项目上的存在范围从设计支持光束到完整过程的单个人。新利18备用网址Hargrove为公司提供现场资本设计要求。

正式的最新项目新利18备用网址包括安装棕地反应堆系统,包括所有学科,以及同一区域中另一个反应堆系统的改造。Springett说:“ Hargrove能够及时提供所需的设计,以成功安装这两个项目。”新利18备用网址

Hargrove最近在德克萨斯州自由港的一家化学公司领导了分布式控制系统(DCS)迁移,作为一个集团 - 欧洲EPC项目。麦加利加尔说:“我们的控件和自动化团队在运营工厂中成功迁移了3,800多个DCS点。”

该公司目前还为德克萨斯州巧克力Bayou的化学客户提供前端和详细的设计服务。许多项目都是快速轨道和总新利18备用网址体 - 一些项目,有些已经完成,有些仍在建设中。

“我们还与一家主要的化学工厂合作,在事件发生事件和[飓风]哈维的洪水后改善了备用系统。我们的响应时间非常快,并全天候工作,以确保我们的客户安全和在线返回。” McGarigal说。

For another chemical client in the region, Hargrove leads the inside and outside engineering for all 2019 turnaround projects, from front-end engineering design to detailed design.

“One of Hargrove’s biggest differentiators is our ability to provide controls and automation-system integration and panel fabrication alongside our engineering and construction support,” Baquet says.

SI Group Inc.大约三年前开始与Hargrove的德克萨斯州运营合作,例如控制系统迁移,过程安全管理,公用事业系统和维护资本项目。新利18备用网址

“I think Hargrove’s success is largely based on their recognition that their clients do have specific needs and that projects should be executed in a way that balance functional, technical and commercial requirements,” says Cliff Nguyen, manager of engineering, Texas operations at SI Group. “Working with Hargrove, I do not feel like the projects are transactional. They listen to their customers. They provide services [rather than] dictating their services to the customers.”

自2002年以来,哈格罗夫(Hargrove)在员工中稳步扩大并保持了98%的保留率,即使在2008 - 09年的经济衰退期间。在过去的10年中,该公司还被Inc 500/5000认可为增长最快的工程公司之一。
