President Trump’s decision to impose tough tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada, Mexico and the European Union quickly sparked retaliatory measures and is expected to lead to cost increases for U.S. construction contractors and for makers of construction equipment.

The White House announced on May 31 that 25% tariffs on steel imports from the three targeted exporters and 10% charge on their aluminum shipments to the U.S. would take effect on June 1.

美国一家美国总承包商Brian Turmail通过电子邮件表示:“我们深感困扰的是,政府选择从我们许多最亲密的贸易伙伴那里征收这些昂贵的新关税。”



Anirban Basu, Associated Builders and Contractors chief economist, said in a statement that the steel and aluminum tariffs are "likely to accelerate construction materials price appreciation during the next several months."

设备制造商协会强烈批评特朗普政府的行动。AEM总裁丹尼斯·斯莱特(Dennis Slater)在司令t, “These harmful tariffs will directly contribute to higher steel prices, increase costs for agriculture and construction machinery, wreak havoc on the business operations of equipment manufacturers, and jeopardize many of the 1.3 million good-paying jobs our industry supports."

But the American Iron and Steel Institute praised Trump's move. Thomas J. Gibson, AISI president and CEO, said in a陈述, "“The president’s trade actions have already begun putting steel workers back to work in Ohio and Illinois and we are grateful for the administration’s commitment to the nearly two million jobs supported by the domestic steel industry.”

特朗普寻求帮助美国钢铁制造商和铝生产商,他于3月8日宣布对广泛的国家 /地区的关税,但推迟实施它们,因此解决问题的谈判可能会发生。达成了一些协议,包括与澳大利亚,阿根廷和巴西在钢铁上达成的协议。

但是白宫在5月31日的陈述,美国“无法再保险ach satisfactory arrangements...with Canada, Mexico or the European Union, after repeatedly delaying tariffs to allow more time for discussions."


The targets of the U.S. tariffs swiftly announced they would retaliate. In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the U.S. tariffs “totally unacceptable.” Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland said Canada would impose $12.8 billion in charges on U.S. shipments of steel, aluminum and other products.


在墨西哥,总统恩里克·佩纳·尼托(Enri新利18备用que Pena Nieto)在一份声明中说,他的国家将“立即实施与这将造成的影响的金额相当的补偿措施,只要美国政府不取消关税,这将有效。”

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in a statement said the new U.S. tariffs were “unjustified and at odds with World Trade Organization rules.”


故事更新了6/4 // 18,并带有关联的建筑商和承包商首席经济学家的评论。