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由Enr Magazine新利18备用和Peckar&Abramson提出
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由Enr Magazine新利18备用和Peckar&Abramson提出
BusinessGroundbreaking Women in Construction公司劳动力Riskgwicin the News

Construction Industry Women Seek Strategies, Allies To Boost Impact

May 24, 2018


威斯康星大学米尔沃基大学商学院教授罗米拉·辛格(Romila Singh)与5月14日至16日在旧金山举行的近700名参与者分享了详细信息,该会议由ENR和律师事务所Peckar&Abramson(由政府资助的研究)提交新利18备用关于为什么技术专业人士离开特别关注女性的领域。

“You cannot fix any issues of gender equity without addressing the elephant in the room— workplace culture.”

- 威斯康星大学米尔沃基大学副教授Romila Singh

Singh noted that while there was little difference in technical-skill confidence between those who left and those who remain, “women still encountered hurdles in terms of having to prove their competency over and over again.”


Panelists discussing how to keep women engaged and leadership-ready urged attendees to communicate a willingness to take on new career challenges and to take credit for achievement.

纽约和新泽西州港口管理局的工程运营负责人丹尼斯·伯杰(Denise Berger)说:“我们只需要为自己和诚实地感到自豪。”

HDR副副总裁Erin Slayton告诉与会者,她“愿意尽一切努力继续发展我的职业生涯。我不能为您强调您要告诉别人您想做什么,否则他们会为您做出假设。”但是小组成员还说,要花时间与家庭相关的工作与生活之间的平衡,这是关键。

A panel of women company owners and senior project executives shared insights on effective leadership and team empowerment.

"I'm still working on an over-reliance on my contracts and trying to think that everything is black and white," said Jessica Chen, project executive at Suffolk Construction. "Nothing is black and white. There is no such thing as perfect."

北达科他州的莫滕森建筑项目主管乔安娜·斯洛林斯基(Joanna Slominski)建议与会者,随着他们的角色从管理层发展到团队领导,他们需要意识到他们“不能做所有事情;说是的,可以将[是的]放在一个艰难的地方情况。”她建议他们“与周围合适的人说“是”。

单击下面的链接to see video of GWIC speakers and participants in action.

'Bring a Man Along'

A joint panel of male and female industry executives noted the importance of engaging more men to recruit and help retain skilled women.

可口可乐领导顾问,前多样性战略经理杰弗里·霍尔特(Jeffery T. Halter)表示:“妇女领导策略是对当今伟大公司的基准期望。”“如果您没有一个人,您实际上处于竞争不利的位置。工程师会发现问题并解决问题。您是否将与女性的招聘和晋升相同,与您所做的工作相同?我们想继续这样做。”

Fluor Corp. has a global program that connects men and women to boost recruitment and advance women that now involves 20 company units, said Anna Farokhi, Fluor commissioning director. She said firms need to include diversity as a necessary component in executive succession planning.

拥有女性创始人兼首席执行官Plangrid的行业技术公司Plangrid副总裁Chuck Hebert指出,其广泛的多样性努力在内,其中包括“带男人”计划参加以女性为中心的活动。他说:“这使对话得以公开,一个人可以参加。”“一旦创建了它,然后打开了那扇门,我们发现很多男人实际上都会参与其中,主要是为了开始聆听。”

Added Hebert: “I have a nine-year-old daughter and don’t want her to have the same struggles and challenges because of gender."

Balfour Beatty的加利福尼亚州业务总裁Brian Cahill指出,在英国,其父母所在的新授权,供250多名员工报告该公司性别薪酬差距。他说,该公司的27%男女工资差距与英国建筑部门的平均水平相当,这反映了传统的男性群体处于高级职位。

但是,卡希尔说,到2025年,巴尔福·比蒂(Balfour Beatty)承诺在领导力中达到50-50个性别均等。“我们将成为才华。他说。

虽然技术为女性提供了新的职业指导,但咨询服务总监艾米莉·蒂西里安(Emily Tsitrian)表示,该行业总体上“就领导职务的女性而言,这并不是一项进步的。”

讨论参与者建议,技术和建筑可以互相学习,妇女在科技公司和建筑公司技术角色中提高了排名。萨福克Construction首席数据官Jit Kee Chin说,技术“需要学习如何做真实的事情”。

Trimble副总裁Roz Buick指出了该公司最近在建立自己的项目方面的经验。她说:“您正在提供自己的技术,所以我们看到了回报。”她指出,在员工事故发生后,工作人员经理可以立即链接到人事记录。她补充说:“有很多示例用于劳动力管理。”


Women of Color: Too Few Role Models

Women of color noted some additional obstacles in their push for visibility and advancement.

Tiffany Millner, a black architect and affiliate director for the ACE Mentor Program, said people of color make up less than 2% of architects.“A lot of our clients are really becoming more diversified and multicultural and as a business issue … we need to be able to respond … with the sensitivity and cultural competence they will be looking for,” she said.

"Sometimes I literally have to stand up and say something that I had said twice already to be heard," said Minneapolis-based architect Damaris Hollingsworth, vice president of Thor Design Plus, who also is black and was born in Brazil. "It's very painful to adjust to in the beginning. You have to be assertive."

加利福尼亚州高铁的结构工程师Noopur Jain补充说:“在印度长大,是一名工程师的女性,穿着靴子的硬汉并不是常态。”她建议与会者“创造对不同颜色,背景和文化的认识”。指出:“真正帮助我的事情是在高水平的动力上坚强,而不必担心人们在说什么或对我的想法。”

华盛顿特区项目管理顾问总裁杰奎琳·格洛弗(Jacqueline Glover)敦促所有行业妇女在所有人口统计中“有意伸出援助并彼此联系”。

Industry veterans urged career-minded attendees to hang in and speak out.

Google的项目主管Susan Rozakis拥有四十年的行业经验,建议与会者寻求导师和赞助商,而不是被挫折阻止。她说:“我们所有人都会有各种各样的观点,而不仅仅是象征性的代表。”

Vicki O’Leary, a general organizer in the ironworkers’ union and 32-year industry veteran, touted its outreach effort to male union members to “teach women the tricks of the trade rather than assuming that because of gender, they will not be here long.” Even so, drywall finisher Ayesha Calloway said she has “rarely worked with another woman finisher on the job in 13 years” of her career as a craftworker.

O'Leary urged women architects, engineers and managers on jobsites to better support site tradeswomen. “There’s a divide between us,” she said. “We need a cultural shift and it’s going to take all of us collectively to make that difference.”

航空专员芝加哥部和执行官Ginger Evans在1990年代领导了丹佛新机场的建设,他提供了这一建议:“您将脚趾固执。您会说您后悔的话。但是,不要说“对不起”开始您的答案。这是我们应该放弃的旧习惯。只是继续。毅力是关键。”

随着Aileen Cho和Alisa Zevin的其他报道


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