一家建筑技术公司在德克萨斯州奥斯汀的48小时内印刷了350平方英尺的“小房子”的墙壁,现已与一家非营利组织合作,旨在开始在El的800平方英尺房屋的墙壁上打印墙壁萨尔瓦多 - 每一个24小时,到年底。


The company’s main innovations are a robotic, gantry-style 3D printer that is large, mobile and intelligent enough to print a home, as well as a concrete recipe with the right handling and curing characteristics that’s simple enough to be locally sourced almost anywhere in the world.

Icon的联合创始人兼工程师Alex Le Roux说:“我们已经工作了两年多了。它可以由铝制成,可以由两个人移动并在Gcode上运行,GCODE是一种通常用于指挥计算机辅助制造中的机器的数值控制语言。

Le Roux说,Vulcan接收X-Y-Z坐标,其值的价值需要放置在3D位置。

Site prep involves constructing a conventional slab-on-grade. Tracks are then placed on opposite edges of the slab for the printer to run on. Material is fed into a hopper, which has a level-detecting switch to measure the concrete supply, and the printer goes to work by maneuvering the gantry and nozzle to follow the coded placement instructions. Steel reinforcing is placed during the process by hand. Conventional methods are used for installing the roof, windows, doors, and electrical and plumbing elements.

“所有运行机器的电动机都是电伺服器,” Le Roux说,这意味着机器对DC功耗很轻。Le Roux补充说,它可以在8 kW便携式发电机上运行。打印机在水平方向上打印了每秒约5个线性英寸的壁路线。

偶像是由位于奥斯丁的风险投资基金Saturn Fix产生的。它将该初创公司描述为“用高级机器人技术破坏房屋建筑市场”。

Le Roux说,其他公司已经印刷建筑物,但成功取决于正确的事情:“首先是我们的建筑物是允许的,”他说,并声称偶像是美国唯一这样做的偶像。他说:“第二个是我们的建筑看起来很漂亮。”

成功的第三个组成部分是获得正确的组合,Le Roux继续进行。图标在Wiss,Janney,Elstner Associates Inc.,伊利诺伊州诺斯布鲁克的帮助下开发了一种小型聚集的胶合物混合物。混合物需要具有正确的拆除性才能通过机器及其喷嘴进行管道,但也需要足够低的粘度。在很小的萧条中设置。

Le Roux不会透露有关混合物的细节,但是Transtec Group Inc.咨询了ICON,但没有参与最终混合物大院。

“我们推荐三个基地作为starti混合设计ng point and suggested trial batching and testing, first for extrudability, uniformity, strength and set-time,” says Sabrina I. Garber, the Transtec project manager. “I do not know what final strengths were achieved, but anticipate strength to be in excess of 5000 psi.”

Icon的业务合作伙伴是一个名为New Story的非营利组织,旨在在世界弱势地区建造数百所房屋。“从一开始的想法就是将其带入发展中国家,”勒鲁克斯说。“我们对自己施加了限制,只将[组合]的材料使用,我们可以找到世界上大多数地方。”